
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wazzit Wednesday Contest Solution

As you hopefully saw last week, I posted a photo id contest for Wazzit Wednesday. Only 4 people posted guesses but let me tell you that no one should have been shy about posting a guess because I don't know how many of them I would have known if I hadn't been the one taking the pictures. I never said they were (all) vegetables but the leading photo which included the veggie garden was a big hint.

I had asked contestants to be as specific with their guesses as possible and while most people at least got it close, no one was able to guess the specific vegetable/plant (ex: peas versus snow peas). Again, I wouldn't have known myself and if anyone HAD been able to guess, I would have fallen out of my chair in surprise. So, lets get to the results...

1. Spaghetti squash - I think they're technically a winter squash but I had 2 people guess it was a summer squash and my online research said it's a very fine line now a days between summer and winter squashes. That little 3-finger squash was not there a week ago when I took the first picture. I am hoping I get a decent number of squash given the number of blossoms and distance the vine seems to be expanding into.

2. Red Potatoes - I've never grown white potatoes so I have no idea if there is a way to tell the difference by the blossoms. I was late hilling these big boys so I have seen little starter potatoes and I'm looking forward to seeing how many there will be this year. I'm hoping each year that I work the garden and pull out more and more rocks they will get bigger because little bitty potatoes don't go far, even if it's just me to feed. One person guessed potato but don't they just look live overgrown weeds?

3. Snow Peas - I did have several guesses for peas but no one guessed snow peas. I'm thrilled to report that all peas photographed in preparation for this post were harmed (eaten) in the production of pictures. How's that for a healthy breakfast, straight off the vine!? And yes, those are sticks you see there. I stick forked branches into the dirt around the pea vines as a poor man's trellis. I think next year I need taller and sturdier branches - some of them are leaning over.

4. Purple Pepper - Yup, you read that right, PURPLE! Again, they are the only peppers that I have grown so I have no idea about differing flowers - I did have 3 votes for some kind of pepper. These will start out green and turn purple as they mature. The inside stays green which means they look great on a veggie platter.

5. Tomato - I can't honestly remember which plant I photographed so it could have been a standard type tomato or grape tomatoes. I took photos of both plants to show how they are doing. Everyone recognized tomato blossoms. Anyone have a recipe for fried green tomatoes? I'm game this year to try it since I seem to have a much bigger crop on my 3 tomato/2 grape tomato plants.

Bonus - Gilt Edge Toad Lily - hey, I didn't say they were (all) veggies. No winners here but again, this is the first time I have even seen this shade plant and I didn't know if anyone would guess what they tiny flowers are. The leaves directly under my finger tips are part of the Toad Lily which is more of an upright plant. The similar leaves behind my hand are part of a Solomon's Seal which has little white flowers that hang below the leaves on arching branches.

So, of the 4 contestants - two had four correct answers and two had two correct answers. Be sure to check your emails because I decided to send a little something to everyone and a bigger something to the contestants who each guessed 4 veggies. Congrats to all!

And, just because they are my fav - my lillies opened this weekend!!!


  1. Thanks, Sarah. It was fun. I was watering my garden the day you posted this and so much of it looked familiar, but I've never grown potatoes. That had me stumped. And the bonus--wouldn't have guessed that in a million years!

  2. I have these same lilies in my garden! - a transplant from my mother-in-law. Mine have struggled the past couple of years with lily beetles, I am so pleased to see how beautiful and healthy yours are.
