
Friday, March 09, 2012

Feline Friday - 3/9/12

Ok - maybe I'm the only one that will find these funny...

Wednesday morning at 5:11am I awoke suddenly to a heavy thud. Something had hit the floor in the bedroom (I recognized the sound since the floor boards are still loose - bedroom is the next room up for rehab)! I looked over the side of the bed and there was poor little Squeaky who must have rolled off the bed. Poor thing was a little dazed but she eventually jumped back up on the bed and came over for a little snuggle time with Momma. She's slept a little more towards the middle of the bed the last couple of nights...

Does this pose make you think of someone on the guillotine or in the stocks? It's really a very generous cutout for a cat head and Squeaky did it the following just looks like a punishment to me.


  1. Poor, poor Squeaky!! I hate it when that happens! And yes -- looks like the neck is in the chopping blocks -- or the stocks! :)

  2. When you heard the thud did your heart go thud, too?
    Noises waking me in the night always startle me.
    Glad everyone is okay, cozied up to the heater.

  3. You know they are sleeping deeply when they fall off the bed or sofa. I have had a few do that too. That is why when the old cat is sleeping on top of the bookshelf with half her body off, I always push it towards the middle, and she grunts at me because I moved her. If she fell off she would probably break something.

  4. The other day I was in the shower when I heard a really loud crashing/thud. Then I heard DH talking. I honestly thought that he fell out of his chair, or down the steps, or something. Come to find out, Miss Callie kitty was running on the stair railing and fell off and down the steps! I laugh hysterically every time I think of it (only because she was not hurt!). Aren't cats supposed to be graceful?

  5. Look at them all snuggled up by the heater.
    They sure do know the best spot to be.

  6. Poor baby! I accidentally push Simon off the bed at least once a night as he sleeps curled up against my leg. Yep, that does look like Squeaky is in the stocks! Cute!

  7. You are definitely not the only one who finds it cats always make me smile...they do some pretty silly things. My tiny one sounds like an elephant at night as she runs down the hallway and pounces on the bed and my big one runs silently but when he hits the bed...I sure do know he is there. He is the snuggler, she sleeps on the other pillow. Thanks for sharing these cute photos with us.
