
Friday, May 04, 2012

Feline Friday - 5/4/12

I don't know how to explain this...

Pepper does fit into the red bed when he wants and sissy checked, the larger blue bed was ok. I guess he just didn't want to actually be *in* a bed...

I'm still working on putting together a feline linky party. The two services that most of my blog use are a paid service. I would love to hear from users and hosts what you do and don't like about your linky party service provider...


  1. Don't you need a third bed in there? In the interests of "a space for everyone" in front of the heater?!??! Happy Friday and happy weekend!!! :)

  2. I had to smile because it reminded me of how I often sit down to the computer. I don't plan on staying long so I just kind of perch on the side of the chair to check email. Then if I end up staying long I realize how uncomfortable I am. Why don't I just sit straight on the chair to start with? Maybe Pepper doesn't want to get too comfortable and oversleep! : )
