
Monday, July 23, 2012

Design Wall Monday - 7/23/12

YES - I do have the hexie quilt quilted, and
YES - I do have the binding almost half done, and
NO - I'm not gonna show it off until it's completely done!!!
I meant to take a vague pic of it this morning but having been up since 4am I plum forgot as I stumbled my way out the door to work.

Instead I have this photo of a rose star that I've fussy cut to take camping. I'll have the owls in the centers and then I have a dozen brown, green and blues for the other fussy cut bits. I have a great neutral batik for the setting parts. I was able to fussy cut 6 owls from the FQ so I'll get those all done up and then see how much bigger I want to make the quilt. I really don't want to tie myself to another large hexie quilt that will take a long time but those owls are just adorable :)

In other news, I joined a hexie block of the week program out of British Colombia, Canada and my first packet just arrived today. The program started in January so I already have 28 weeks worth of catching up to do but by year's end I will have 52 new hexie patterrns. Awesome! I'll share more when I have some blocks to post. I just need to settle on fabric...

Check out my poll on the upper right side bar - Should I host a monthly hexie linky party? Thru the course of blog hopping I've come across many blogs with hexie projects lately. I was thinking mid month we could have a linky party for everyone to share their project progress. Let me know what you think? Voting will remain open until August 6.

I'll be on a blog break next week - I hope you don't miss me too much. LOL. Never fear, The Feline Friday Linky party will be ready to auto-post.


  1. Look at you and your ever present paper piecing projects. And to think I knew you back when you pieced quilts on a machine. : )
    But everything you do is beautiful, and you are creating what makes you happy, as it should be.

  2. I really like your next block.
    Well done on the nearly finished quilt....

  3. I love that dear little owl...that fabric is precious, precious to me! I love what you've done with it, too. Cannot wait for the final showing!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!! I leave Thursday, so I won't be around much -- but I'll check in to see a finished project! And I'll have *two* feline fridays ready to auto-post! I'll even make the effort to link 'em up!! :)
