
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

What a crock!

After showing my new crock last week...several people said they would be interested in seeing the rest of my crock collection. I hope y'all really meant it because here they are!

Newest crock - purchased in Lewisburg, PA.

This twenty gallon beauty was purchased for a pretty penny at a local auction a couple summers ago. It takes two people to carry it and luckily still has the wire handles altho the handle at the tip of the arrow has lost it's wooden dowel. Yes, those are scraps in the crock but NO it's not full, there is batting at the bottom.

This 6 gallon crock was begged off of Mom. It has been relegated to her basement because it was broken.
You can just barely make out the v-shaped piece I super glued back in place.
 It's certainly sturdy enough to hold wrapping paper. The lid is still at Mom's.

These three are used the most and for obvious reasons! Trash, rulers and choco rule the cutting table in my studio :)
The 2 crocks on the left were also from Mom, not sure where I got the choco filled crock - it's not in great shape.

This crock was actually found in a kitchen cupboard when I moved in to my house. It had costume jewelry, old skeleton keys, broken army men and the like.  This is the same kitchen cupboard that would randomly open itself when I was out of the house or asleep. We blamed it on Melvena, the previous owner. It's obviously a little small for an umbrella stand so I'm on the lookout for a larger one. Mom has several still in her basement...

Melvena's crock is the only one that has a makers mark.
My research shows this pottery was only in existence from maybe 1902 to 1905 or so.

Last, but not least, is this ugly brown crock I picked up somewhere and relegated to the kitchen.
I know you're jealous of the wallpaper on the backsplash! Ugh!


  1. Love it - gee, think I have one or two old Lyons crocks somewheres.

  2. I don't own any crocks. But I do have lots of demitasse cups and saucers.

  3. Love them all - looks like my sewing room! Crocks have so many uses.

  4. Very cool, Sarah. I love crockery, wooden bowls, old tins and such for storage and household use. Functional, but classic looking. Great collection. I have none, but I think DD#1 has a few.

  5. Aren't they gorgeous! I have one little crock.

  6. I don't have any crocks myself, but sure enjoyed looking at yours!

  7. Loved seeing your collection. I have a few, but not as many as you have. I like that you're putting all of them to good, practical use.
