
Friday, July 04, 2014

Feline Friday - 7/4/14

Happy Fourth of July to my American furrriends!!!!

Momma tried to post my video debut but instead it was a debacle. Any kittehs know how to upload videos from iPhones??

You'll just have to settle for this still shot of what I taught Momma. LOL!!

Months ago, Momma put this bell on a banana hook by the door. I ring the bell when ever I wanna go outside. If she doesn't jump fast enough I give the bell 2 paws. If she still isn't fast enough I wack it so hard it rolls across the laminate floor. Drives her C-R-A-Z-Y. Doesn't take much...

(Momma put that old shoe box by the door so it could go out with the recycling. Not gonna happen! Squeaky put Crusty the lobster in the box t and I like to sit on him.)

Have a sparkler-y weekend!


  1. I'm not techy enough to help ; (
    Such personality your kitty has.

  2. Oh, my.... If CC had a bell, I would go beyond insane.

  3. You seem to have your owner wrapped around your little paw ... clever pussycat.

  4. Your cat has trained you well!! : )

  5. What a great idea, I'll have to try that with my babies! With my smart phone if I click on the video, I have a share button and one of the options is youtube or you can download it to your pc and then upload it.
