
Friday, August 01, 2014

Feline Friday - 8/1/14

Momma has been trying to quilt this birdie quilt for the fair next week. I'm not so happy about that cuz I just want to sit on the pretty quilt, get cozy and dream about the birdies but that's absolutely impossible cuz she keeps swinging it all around the slippery table.

The other day she pushed the quilt out of the way to change the bobbin so I took advantage and she decided it was time for a dinner break. Showed her didn't I??!!
Ahhhhh...much better...


  1. Cats love being on quilts!

  2. Now that I'm not at Joc's weekly, I don't get good cat pictures! Glad your furbaby was able to get in some good, comfortable quilt-snoozing time! :)

  3. Have you been planning on gifting this quilt to anyone? If so, maybe you had better rethink that! : )
