
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

POTC update

Sorry - the colors are pretty washed out, but this is where I am on the latest POTC block. The next round will also use the same neutral fabric which contrasts nicely with the lighter neutral sashing fabric.

The center of this block is pretty dark or "dense" compared to my other POTC block so I'll need to remember to make more in a similar style to balance out the quilt.

Yesterday's snow storm turned out to be a big fat nothing for me here at work or home (less than an inch) but poor Buffalo has now reportedly gotten 94 inches in some of the 'burbs!!! They are due to get another 24 inches by the end of the week and then it will be up in the mid-50sF on Monday so it will all melt. I am not sure which will be worse for them - buried under 9 feet of snow or washed away by 9 feet of melted snow...

I guess the biggest impact of the storm for me is that the bazaar at Fisher Price that was scheduled for tomorrow has been moved to Monday and I'm not sure that I can get Monday off instead. If I can't get Monday off, I'll still take tomorrow since I have to use up my vacation time so I'll work on Xmas pressies and make a squash gellette recipe I found the other day.


  1. I rather like the denseness of this particular block ... the way the color focus is in the center makes it look very much like a flower bloom! Cool effect. The snow is just mind boggling. I can't even imagine what 94" looks like in person. Whoa. Serious snow whoa! :)

  2. Love this block! Oh, be happy you didn't get that snow - did you watch some of the videos? Just a wall of snow.

  3. Beautiful! It looks like a flower. I keep thinking about doing this.

  4. Very cool block! I think it looks great!
    Glad you didn't get buried in the snow. I heard about Buffalo on the news. Pretty bad.

  5. very nice, this is the shape |i was talking about Sarah having trouble with the corners from your previous blog, I call them Church windows sorry I did not make myself clear!

  6. I love your block! I love snow but hate the slush!

  7. So love the progress on this one. I agree - looks like a flower. I invite you to link to Hexie Weekend so others can follow your progress.
