
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hello 2015!!

If you've been around my blog longer than 5 minutes you'll know that I'm not great on follow through. I enjoy the journey too much to worry about finishing each and every project. My three year old addiction to hexies is making that journey even more exciting but deeper in UFOs.

And yet, I have decided that this year I will join in two different BOM projects. One of them I'll tweak for my own purposes (imagine that??!!) and the other will need no tweaking, just a lot of hard work to keep up.

I finally decided to join the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge at Super Scrappy. Each month she posts a color and followers make blocks of their choice in that color. I think I'll blame this on Bonnie Hunter. Why not? She won't see this, right? Bonnie was working on her Box Kite quilt and I liked the block. What isn't there to like about 3 squares and 6 HSTs? It was about the same time I had read someone's post about the scrappy challenge and I decided to give the block a try "just in case" I liked it enough to work on all year.

Surprise! I liked it! I've decided to use the monthly color suggestion to cut blocks for my (now) three leader ender projects. I'll be able to prep some leader enders to work on while trying to get somewhere on my UFO pile. I see the January color was posted today and it's "blue." I'll get right on that when I get home!

I have 72 basket blocks completed. These will be set on point and I have yet to pick a setting fabric.


I also have 70 of these disappearing 4 patch puss in the corner blocks made. I'm gonna need bigger storage tho as tin#1 is full. These will also set on point with alternating squares of a yet to be picked fabric but there is a long way to go...

The other BOM project is Katja's Millefiore Quilt-Along based on her book "The New Hexagon."

My rosette #1 paper pack arrived yesterday and I picked up this fabric a few weeks ago as my focus for this rosette. Katja posted the first set of directions today so I'll be sure to get on this when I get home too. I best cuz #1 is a doozy with 37 blocks making up the rosette and it will take a while to decide how I want to fussy cut my fabrics.

Other than making class samples, Ryan's quilt and Bonnie's 2015 mystery quilt I really don't have any quilt plans for 2015 other than working on UFOs. Hexies will be a different story. I have a long UFO list to work on and bucket list that I was trying to hold off on but the stars have recently aligned on several so it looks like I'll be starting some more hexie UFOs...I'll share pictures some day...

That's it for now...Happy New Year and I'll see all y'all next year!

PS - Feline Friday, HeLP and Bibliophile Files will all be making comebacks in 2015. Woo Hoo!


  1. Love that pile of little basket blocks! Sounds like you have a wonderful plan for 2015 and Moe and Bella are so glad you are inviting them back.

  2. I love your little tin . . . filled with quilt blocks is just perfect! And I am so excited about this hexie BOM! It will be so gorgeous!! Glad all my favorite linky parties are making a comeback for 2015!! Happy New Year!!! :)

  3. Oh lovely fabric for the Hexagon quilt; I am still working on my Monet's City hexie project and finishing up "The One I didn't Like", too. I have so enjoyed watching all of your projects come to fruition this year--thanks for sharing. And of course all of your kitties...hugs and Happy New Year, Julierose

  4. I continually talk myself into resisting the rainbow scrap challenge. : ) I like what you have chosen to make with it.
    Wonderful piles of basket blocks!
    And that last fabric is going to make some magnificent fussy-cut blocks. Can't wait!

  5. Love that fabric Sarah......I'm ever so tempted to do that quilt but as I've all my other EPP stuff that I haven't finished I'll be strong...!!

  6. not too many goals to achieve this year unless of course more are added!I do like the puss in the corner blocks and the flower baskets of course.Hope to have a go with the new hexagon book but think it will be a bit difficult and maybe will not get to then end of it

  7. What a lovely list of projects you've got planned! I'll be sewing along with Katja for sure and the other two look very tempting! Happy New Year to you and lots of happy sewing too!

  8. I am still trying to get back in the swing after a Christmas away, but hope to get to my Millefiore in the next few days!

  9. I love that cherry fabric you used, I need o find some to make a canning jar block with. I love your baskets.
