
Monday, March 16, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 3/16/15

Well, if there is any bright side to spending the last 4 days in the CTICU before, during and after Dad's open heart surgery it was plenty of time to work on hexies.

I don't know about you other hexie-ologists, but I use a needle dome to pre-thread 10 needles at a time. I finished 18 threads which for me is a ton of stitching. Luckily, I didn't break through my callous until just before heading home yesterday. I would guess that these domes would work for other stitchers as well. I think Clover makes them and they are about $10. Don't tell but I have two - one for home and one for travel projects.

Besides pacing, eating, more pacing, talking, more pacing, long daily drives and a birthday party, I was able to finish the outer 2 rounds on this rosette....

...and the light inner row of sashing on each of these half-rosettes and even add the central "darker" sashing row to the top half-rosettes. I wanted to add some of the inner sashing just to see how it would look. Me thinks I like it!

Dad is doing well - he feels better, sleeps better and can keep food down but his heart rhythm still is irregular. Because he is on a temporary pacemaker he can't get out of bed yet  Lunchtime update - he's out of bed! WooHoo!!! It's still one day at a time but there has been progress :)


  1. Oh you must be so relieved that he is doing better and able to get up and around a bit. Nice hexie sewing...hugs and best wishes to your Dad...Julierose

  2. I don't have a needle dome, but do thread up a lot of needles at one time and keep in a needle case - so handy.

    Glad to hear things are improving and prayers still flowing.

  3. I love those needle domes, and I also have two of them. Is that a thimble pad stuck to the lid of your dome? I use those pads all the time when I am hand stitching.

    Glad to hear that your father is doing well, and I hope he continues to improve.

  4. So glad that your dad got along well - sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  5. So glad your dad is doing well. Your rosettes are beautiful. Don't have a dome, but it's a good idea for my old eyes these days.

  6. Prayers for your dad, glad to hear he is slowing improving. Thanks for the tip, I have one of those tucked away somewhere and will definitely be digging it out today!

  7. That is great news that your Dad is improving! Fingers crossed he heals quickly and is able to go home!

    Your Value Proposition hexagon blocks are fabulous and I like the middle path fabric!

  8. So nice to hear the good news about your Dad!!
    I'm impressed that through all you were experiencing you were able to focus and get that much done. (I tend to lack any focus in stressful situations.) Looking good!

  9. It is such a good thing to keep your hands busy at stressful times. I hope your Dad continues to make great strides and it's so nice you are able to be there. Take care!

  10. So glad to hear that your Dad is feeling better....and up and about.
    Your hexie's look good....

  11. I've never worked with a dome before ... in fact, before your post, I'd never seen one! You've made some fabulous progress -- you GO girl!! :)
