
Monday, August 24, 2015

The end of Summer...

There are 5 things in my universe that signify the end of summer...

The Fair finished (1) on Saturday. Friday was our third annual hexie demo outside the Home Arts Department and just in front of the booth for the LQS. We had 9 members present, including 3 members who just joined a couple weeks ago!! We had lots of lookers and at least 2 new people stopped long enough for a little lesson and free starter kit thanks to

Yes - Zorro helps me hold the boxes in place every year. He's so thoughtful and helpful!
Can you find the photo bomber?

School taxes (2) arrived - now I need to pull out escrowed bills for the banks and combine bills into single envelopes for people who own more than one property by the end of this week. I took on the tax collector job several years ago to *help* pay my own property taxes but it really does cut into my hexie and walking time for the next 2+ months. I think I've figured out a way to get my walks in but I'm still working on finding hexie time. On the upside, I can buy hot school lunches for just $2. It beats bringing a sandwich from home...

This is the LAST rosette to need the inner sashing!!!!

Once taxes arrive that generally means it's my last summer Friday off (3) which is followed closely by Labor Day (4). There wasn't even time for one more camping trip (5) this year. Boooooooo.....

Did you link to the Small Town America post yet?? The linky party closes on 8/31/15.


  1. Beautiful hexagon--congrats on finishing the inner sashing...I am pining for hexagon work. Have to start my Brinton Hall project--time to pick colors...hugs, Julierose

  2. Your hexie demo group looks like it would attract lots of attention. Very pretty hexies dripping from the table. : )
    Sounds like you are pining for a short-lived summer. Sorry it went by too fast for you. I'm also scratching my head and wondering where it went.
    Can you call it photo bombing when the creature involved thinks the photo is all about them anyway?

  3. good to know the fair went well and people shoed interest in the hexies. Certainly some lovely cloths on show on the table. Yes I spotted the guilty party in the background!! Not sure what the tax business is about but sounds quite complicated and wastes time that should be for stitching hope you get time soon

  4. Of course that photo of the table with all the EPP caught my eye - the table is a real attention grabber. Your final VP block - yahoo! Can't wait to see them all together.

    Zorro is a very helpful little man. I'm sure he could get himself a job as a personal assistant to some high power exec!

  5. Zorro is just too cute, and yes I saw your photo bomber!

  6. See?? You're even looking at the end of summer! Christmas is COMING, woman!! LOL! :)
