
Friday, February 26, 2016

Feline Friday - 2/26/16

Hey Momma -

I know you've been soooooo busy this week that you didn't even have time to blog***.

And, I really like how my kibble bowl is now up higher since I like to stand while I eat but.....

...could you, maybe, in your spare time, find/make me something prettier to put my bowl on instead of one of grandMomma's cool whip dishes?

In your spare, when you're not opening the revolving window for Z-man...

*** Miss Janet - Momma wants you to know that she didn't forget: she promises, or I'll stick a needle in Zorro's eye!


  1. Mine stand and eat too, but their dishes are on the floor. In fact, I could splurge and pick up a new matt from the $ store for them - the other is old and dingy.

  2. Okay, I'll let it pass this time, but I think someone is far too eager to stick a needle in Zorro's eye! And that same someone appears to be a food dish snob. : )

  3. I would tell him it is what is in the pot that matters! good to see you back not seen you recently in the blog land

  4. LOL
    well yes, a cat does need a smart stand for the luncheons .......
    wrap it in fabric maybe?!

  5. Spare time is in short supply these days ; )
    Enjoy your Sunday. Hope you find a few quiet moments
