
Monday, August 14, 2017

It's County Fair week and life is crazy...

Saturday was checking in the antiques (my family runs this division) and getting the open hearth cooking demo area situated.

Sunday was judging the antique displays in the morning and cooking with my SIL and nephews from 1-9pm. Thankfully my brother is a pyro (fireman!) and keeps the fires burning so we can concentrate on getting all the food cooked.

Just 6 more days to go!

I've had some time for hexies between the other chores but that's about it in the quilting department.

Sorry - I know the photo is dark but we're lucky I remembered at all as I was running to work today. Luckily, tonight is a "rest" day so I'm home from the fair but need to get the lawn mowed and pick blackberries. That is if the projected T-Storms hold off...


  1. Our fair was last week, and it is a crazy time for me, though I am not quite as involved as it sounds like your family is. And our fair is only 3 days.
    That is a really pretty hexie project.
    Hope you are getting some rest!

  2. Fair sounds great fun though b=very tiring, enjoy your day off love blacberries yummy

  3. You sound very busy indeed. Fair sounds like fun. My ears always prick at the word antique! Have fun and enjoy your rest night!

  4. Did yu enter any quilts in the fair?
