
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #88 - 1/23/19

I'm all caught up on my weather quilt. Woohoo!

Last week's piece was another fun one. It was hard to remember if it should be included this way:

or maybe it was this way:

January 9 - 15, 2019
29 - 21 - 17 - 23 - 19 - 25 - 27 F

For this week we introduced a new color. Welcome PINK!!!!

January 16 - 22, 2019
30 - 22 - 30 - 14 - 8 - 3 - 19 F

Today is a wild color considering that we were just at a high of 3F two days it's 40F!! Hello turquoise! We started the day with a thin coat of ice and now it's just plain raining. Ick. It can go back to 3F and full sun anytime now...

January 1-22, 2019

But wait, my friends, this is the money shot:

June 1, 2018 to January 22, 2019

Isn't it fabulous??!!!


  1. Wow, it is looking fabulous!

  2. I agree, it really is fabulous! A high of 3 F doesn't sound appealing though! Brrr.

  3. What a swing in the temps! We were raining just two days ago (in spite of a few inches of snow on the ground). Today we are very cold. Couldn't rain if it wanted to.

  4. Yes, we had a heat wave! Enjoy it as it is going to drop again. But those perks of color are pretty.

  5. I love how super cold days bring along such a super bright colour :)
