
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday Weather Report #108 - 6/13/19

Ever go on a trip and when you rush back into your daily schedule everything is all discombobulated? Well, that's me today! Left all my notes and things to share at home.

I went to my last work conference of the year earlier this week. It was 4 days, nearly 700 miles round trip and a lot of fun in my beloved Adirondack Mountains. That's right, I went to a conference in Lake Placid! Woohoo!

Remember the "new" car I picked up less than 3 weeks ago? I've already put over 1,000 miles on Elvis (what else do you call a Blue Velvet Metallic car?). I'm pretty sure I've worked out any kinks and gotten the seats and buttons all situated...

This week's trip included a little recon for my summer vacay trip to a different campground and we did a touch of mountain "climbing". I'm playing catch up today at work so I'll just share this one photo today since I was able to get quite a bit of work done on my weather quilt. Lots more photos to share another day of Lake Placid, Whiteface Mt, the rest of the temp quilt and Mr Serious.

June 1-11, 2019


  1. I was only gone from my home for 3 days last week and I still can't get back in the groove.
    Your temps for the week jumped around quite a bit.
    Can't wait to see Mr. Serious!

  2. Well done for being done with conferences for the year already! I have an all-day workshop this Sunday...yay, me. Looking forward to your pictures!
