
Friday, September 13, 2019

Feline Friday - 9/13/19

Sometimes Momma captures my good side and sometimes ... not so much.

Momma likes to sit crossed legged on the couch (the kids are now required to call it criss cross applesauce so no Native Americans are offended if I call it indian style) cuz it makes her back feel better.

I like it when she sits CCA with my fleece blanket cuz it's comfy to snuggle into her lap with a knee for a pillow, especially when I've spent the night out on the town.

This picture might not look pretty but if you see it on Momma's phone it's one of those fancy "live" photos and she thinks it's just high-larious to start with my good side and end with this. Ugh. And now it's on the internet...forever.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting cross legged is called 'Schneidersitz' (literally: Tailor's Seat) in German. I wonder if this offends any tailors?
