
Friday, September 20, 2019

Feline Friday - 9/20/19

Momma bought me a new toy!

She bought it cuz I'm infatuated with kitchen sponges and thought the texture of my new owl replicated it pretty well.

I agree Oscar the Owl is fun to play with (hence the fuzzy motion shots) but it's just not the same as my stinky, dried out sponge.

Maybe Momma has a fresh sponge I can confiscate...


  1. He is just SO darling!! I like his new toy!! Maybe after enough "play" it will get that stinky smell like he likes it. :)

  2. Haha, I love these pictures! Guess Mr Serious is just a kitten at heart, too.

  3. I wanna play!!
    Z's eyes look so green to me in these photos--almost sinister. Is he getting ready for Halloween a little early?
