
Thursday, October 17, 2019

The day after Wednesday Weather Report #126 - 10/17/19

I'm having a week. Hence another less than stellar and day late weather report :(

First I had the gall to skip off to the mountains for 4 days (weeeee!!!!). I hope to squeeze in a post soon on my trip - I hiked, I enjoyed the fall leaves (but maybe not as much as I enjoyed my new winter sleeping bag due to the COLD nights) and I got to meet a blog/quilt friend for the first time! I did work on some hexies but didn't seem to accomplish much.

So this week has been filled with working late and a forgotten meeting, leaving another meeting to go on a rescue call, an early morning call, another morning where his Highness letting me sleep in and general malaise due to the soggy, dark weather. Fall might be my fav for the cool weather, snuggly clothes/blankets/Zorro and the colors but I am NOT a fan of the darkness. It can only get better, right?!

Last Week
October 2-8, 2019
59 - 50 - 46 - 55 - 70 - 62 - 62 F

October 9-15, 2019
61 - 59 - 70 - 60 - 58 - 58 - 59 F
Here's hoping you had a more productive week!


  1. Not real productive. Prepping for one more workshop program on Monday Night and then I am done with being program chair! So now, I have stuff everywhere. Don't know how you can camp in a tent day after day- you are made of stronger stuff than I. Your new temp pieces look great.

  2. Nice change in colors! My temps are still pretty flat.

  3. You seem to be having some very varied weather, and an exciting week! Are your rescue calls of personal nature or are you a firewoman or something like that?
