
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #128 - 10/30/19

Not the world's best photo but I wanted to share my new violet...

You can see the leaves are still in the yard. I had time to rake last night but wasn't sure the village would be picking up leaves today/tomorrow and with the wind storm (45-60 mph) coming tomorrow night I didn't want them blown back into my yard to be raked again. See - I'm just being logical. That and it's supposedly good for the environment not to rake.

You can also see little paw prints on the glass. Generally I leave this end of the table open so that His Highness can sit here to gaze out upon his kingdom when the weather prevents him going out in purrson. Don't worry - the violet was quickly moved back to it's end of the table for it's own personal protection.

October 23-29, 2019
54 - 59 - 53 - 54 - 58 - 60 - 67 F

Just in case you were wondering...Friday's high is supposed to be 41F and that means were are leaning heavily for a "blue" day - a new color for this fall. That also means that October started 3 colors warmer than last year and November will start 1 color colder than last year. There is just no rhyme or reason to the weather...


  1. That's a gorgeous African violet!

  2. I just love the color of that African Violet--I am starting to collect a few as mine all got some kind of disease last year...hugs, Julierose

  3. Beautiful African Violet!
    Mine all need repotting and I just don't have the time (or desire) right now.
    We have had record cold temps for October this week. We were around 1 degree last night and in the 20s for our high today. We will be single digit again tonight, but may actually get above freezing tomorrow.

  4. I love, love African violets. I lost all mine a few years ago. I have a collection of Christmas cactus now, but I would really love a collection of African violets.

  5. Gosh your violet is WONDERFUL. I used to have them in my office before I retired. As I recall I used to give them a drink of coffee which encouraged the blooming. Oh the weather is SO unpredictable. We are watching the forecast because we still have some landscape maintenance to do.
    Happy Halloween.
    xx, Carol

  6. I have several African Violets that need dividing (which I was going to do outside, this summer) so if I ever get around to actually doing it, I'll bring you one or two. Where does the time go? The village picked up leaves on our street yesterday, so, of course, my next door neighbor blew his leaves to the curb last night, making a gigantic pile which will now all blow back in his and my front yards. My exercise this fall was picking up and hauling 20 garden carts of black walnuts to dump in the back lot.

  7. It really is getting cold...I'm not usually a summer person, but even I miss the warmer weather already!
