
Monday, December 23, 2019

Quiltville Mystery Clue #4 and Shooflies

Clue #4 for this year's Quiltville mystery sewalong came out on Friday and I finally had a chance to work on it Sunday afternoon. I was surprised at how quick it came together.

The clue asked us to cut HSTs and QSTs from strips of blue and aqua, keeping the sets together. I'm not sure my aquas are just "right" (in person there is less contrast) but it's what was in my stash so I'm hoping it will look acceptable when the quilt top is together.

And here is my paltry little Jolly Green Giant box of clue parts. You can see that I have the approval of my little furry photobomber. What he isn't telling you is that I knocked over a half glass of cranberry ginger-ale getting the box out of it's storage space. And I was even clever enough to knock it over in the perfect spot so it dribbled into 3 drawers of paper and fabric supplies and then on to the carpet. Z investigated the spill but knew it was better to stay away from mum when she was sputtering naughty words...

I also finished 8 more shoofly blocks this weekend. Only 70 more to go!!

I've cut sufficient green squares to match the pattern. When I start laying these out I'll decide if I want to make it a wee bit bigger. Bigger could mean more blocks or it could mean a panel in the middle. If I find a panel it will need to match the 115 green squares and Let it Snow green border fabric I already have, which could be difficult.  Right now, I just need to keep plugging along on the shooflies I have kitted...

As I was proofing my post I also thought it could just be fun to have some of the let it snow fabric be a "panel" in the middle. Only time will tell what other fancy ideas pop into my head at the weirdest of times...

Happy Day before the Day of the Night Before Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!!


  1. Each of the clues has gone together quite quickly so far this year. How they are all going to go together is a puzzle though. I'm also just hoping my colours will work at this stage.

    Happy all the holidays!

  2. Clue 4 is taking me forever. I'm not sure how some of my aquas are going to work out because they may be too dark and have a wide range from bluish to greenish. They are matched with purple and I'm not sure how that's going to work either. I've put it aside to do cooking and cleaning for tonight. I'll finish up tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you and Z.

  3. I'm still working on 3 & 4 now Clue 5 is out... more 1/2 square triangles....mmmmm

  4. I really like these aquas, and the shoofly blocks too! To be honest, I don't really understand which blocks will go together to do what in the end, but I do enjoy being surprised by pretty stuff so that's alright :D
