
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday Weather Report #153 - 4/22/20

The highlight of my week, other than buying a new charging cable for my iPhone, has been the snow! Week 6 of lockdown appears to be a new low when these things are the highlights....

April 15 - 21, 2020
39 - 33 - 38 - 40 - 56 - 43 - 38 F

Sheets of graupel rolling down Main Street yesterday

The lillies, hosta and peonies are trying their best
to survive Mother Nature's ever changing moods!


  1. More snow? We only got rain but very high winds...And colder
    than normal temps only in the 30's--more like February than April here..
    Stay warm and safe there..
    ~ ~ ~ waving masked, gloved and scarfed, too Julierose

  2. Ooh, a new word! I've never come across "graupel" before, so thanks for expanding my vocabulary.

  3. Yes, the weather gods are not making this lockdown any easier to tolerate. And it's not supposed to be much better for the next ten days. Well, we have had snow in May before, but I think we deserve a break this year. My hyacinths finally gave up trying to stand upright.

  4. Interesting weather for interesting times. We're still doing okay around here, although I do hope for some sun tomorrow - the last few days have been gray and wet!
