
Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Wednesday Weather Report #181 - 11/4/20

October 28 -31, 2020 :: 45 - 45 - 35 - 41 F
November 1 - 3, 2020 :: 47 - 34 - 41 F

We are experiencing all the weathers this week - we often joke locally that if you don't like the weather then give it 5 minutes and that could very well be true!


It was a stunning sunset under a very dark cloud.
I clearly didn't take it while driving - I even
told my iPhone I wasn't driving so I could access the camera. LOL.

Wednesday - it's a high of 68 today with possibly higher/record setting temps this coming weekend.


Long before cars were widely available, horses were the only means of transportation and those horses would get thirsty. The Village of Perry had 2 water troughs for the horses.

Northern water trough in the bottom right of the card 
This photo is looking south
Someone wrote (in purple pen?!) 1903

Northern trough is just visible on the left, behind the horses
Photo is looking north
postmarked 1909
Robeson Cutlery is on the right - we'll discuss them another day.
One the left is a tannery that is rumored to have been part of the Underground Railroad

Northern trough, looking north

Southern trough, facing west where the Silver Lake Outlet runs under Main Street

The plaque reads: 

Historic Water Trough
This water trough was originally installed on
Main Street in the year 1896. A second trough
was located further down the street. These
troughs served a vital role in satisfying the
thirst of horses and others before the advent of
the automobile. The troughs were removed
 and stored for decades to preserve this iconic
part of Downtown Perry. As part of the Main
Street Improvement project of 2016, this
trough was restored to its original location.


  1. They are fancy looking horse troughs! Not the shape I was expecting to see.

    Here's an article about what I was looking for in your photos, but was puzzled that I couldn't find. Horse troughs:

  2. Wow--such weather swings. Isn't it weird? We had record lows last month and record highs this week. I want to hang my Christmas lights tomorrow before we get a cold, wet snap on the weekend and into next week.
    Cool historic photos. And I agree that those are fancy horse troughs.

  3. What a weather!
    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to see horses around the city everywhere. I always get excited when I meet a horse mounted policeman, although they are very rate around here!
