
Tuesday, April 06, 2021

The Bibliophile Files - 4/6/21

Hello and welcome to another monthly book report. I think I've read some good books and some so/so books this month. I was totally confused on 2 of them and I think it's probably cuz I'm trying to multitask while listening and it just didn't work out this time. The Redbreast is actually part of a series and I'll give those other books a try to see if I like the rest of the series.

     Me Talk Pretty One Day - great comedic skits/essays, read by the author.
     Wrong Alibi
     All This Could be Yours - The story of a dysfunctional family who tries to learn who the father really is while he's on his deathbed. 
     Things You Save in a Fire - another story about a dysfunctional family but with a much better and happier ending :)
     House of Correction - Accused of murder, a woman is forced to clear her own name from prison when the justice system fails her.
     Number the Stars - a quick little YA read of a Copenhagen family protecting their Jewish friends in 1943.
     One of Us is Next - the follow up book to one I read last year. If you like gossipy high school dramas then you might like this one. I've had enough HS drama for a while tho...
     The Redbreast 

     The Want-Ad Killer - I'll be starting this true crime novel tonight.

And now it's your turn - what have you read recently?  
Anything counts -- novel, magazine, quilt pattern or cereal box!


  1. Hi Sarah, I’m so out of whack with my blog reading... Have you done anything with your birthday blocks. I can’t recall seeing them for a while now...

  2. I read Number the Stars last month, too! Sawyer was reading it and wanted me to read it so we could discuss it!! :)

  3. I am (still) reading The Priory of the Orange Tree, and also started the first of the Witcher novels lately.
