
Thursday, January 26, 2012

UFO Thursday - 1/26/12

Remember how I had hoped to get both borders on my Blooming 9-Patch last weekend?

I was tootling right along, drawing out the borders in EQ to see if I liked the widths and finally decided yep, these are the measurements I'm gonna go with. I got the dark purple on. I got the four sides of the light purple and then realized I only had enough to get 2 corners on. That last piece of the yardage was 1/4" too narrow. Phooey. No worries, tomorrow I can go buy a little more. Purples are still on sale so it's all good :)

I'll have to measure much more closely before cutting the outer green's so old I can't get any more.
You can also see I laid out one of the lime green binding strips.

My goal for the month was to complete the top, sandwhich and quilt it. Doesn't look like we'll get quite that far but I can at least finish the borders this weekend and piece the backing. Any extra fabric will be trimmed right into the strip bins. One of my LQS has their end of month sale on Monday - I'll go get some batting.


  1. You go, girl! You may end up getting further with your UFO than I get with mine. I'm just shaking my head at the whole thing. LOL! :)

  2. It is frustrating when you run out of fabrics but this is going to be one wonderful quilt!

  3. A Blooming 9-Patch is on my quilt bucket list.

    Your's is very pretty!
