
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Arrowhead Tablerunner

The picture is a little dark because it was so sunny out this morning ... a good problem to have!

A quick little table runner I've put together.

It's made with 3 full and 1 disassembled Anita's Arrowhead blocks. I'll do the ends different next time so I don't have to frog stitch so much.

I have the same floral fabric for the backing and I have a green for binding. This and maybe another will be finished for Christmas Bazaars.

Everyone has Matchbox cars on their windowsills, right?!


  1. Nice little runner, Sarah.
    Actually, the matchbox cars at my house turn up EVERYWHERE--under the sofa cushion, on the stairs, under the dining table, in my cleaning cloth basket under the laundry room sink--you name it, they've been found there. : )

  2. Beautiful, Sarah...I did find them in fun spots....35 years ago. I would get down on my hands and knees and play with them too! That's what happens when you have boys! :) They were fun to raise..and now we have 6 grandchildren...3 boys and 3 girls. Even more fun.


  3. Very sweet table runner. I had matchbox cars with my boys, now I have them with my grandsons - they are timeless (or multiplying like rabbits).

  4. The table runner is great and so is that sunny corner with the chair, table and Matchbox cars on the window sill.

  5. HEY!! I just happen to have four arrowhead blocks laying around -- in Christmas fabrics. How'd you disassemble the fourth to put it together? That might make an easy Christmas gift for someone! I love those blocks -- yours looks fabulous!! :)

  6. ps -- yes -- matchbox cars are all over the place at my house, Jocelyn's house and Kim's house. Anywhere Sawyer has been. LOL! :)

  7. Love the runner !
    Matchbox cars...... the boys have so many, but they now live in the cupboard......
