
Friday, October 12, 2012

Feline Friday - 10/12/12

I try to have my machine serviced every year. When you spend that much money on a machine, you need to keep it in top top shape. Recently tho, it hasn't been making the "right" noises when it starts up (you Bernina owners will know what I mean) and the left/right positioning of the needle hasn't worked consistently either.

I drove down to Penn Yan Sewing Machines this past Monday to get my machine fixed. Yeh, it's about 1.5 hours away but when I can make an appointment to be serviced within 3 hours, it's well worth the drive over leaving my machine some place closer for 2 weeks. And Penn Yan is a nice place to toodle around in - all the quilt and fabric stores, the bulk food stores and it's in the Finger Lakes.

Anyway, PYSM is run by a Mennonite family who sells Berninas. They also service many other brands, including treadles. I was expecting to pay a few bucks to get the problem fixed but they replaced the circuit board for free! I just had to pay the cleaning fee. Woot Woot!

Anyway, now that Squeaky has performed a full cat scan we are back in full working order and I can get some work done this weekend - and the list is long my friends...the list is long....

Ok, time to share what your felines are up to. Pepper, Midgie, Squeaky and I hope all your machines are in working order and you have an excellent weekend!

Don't forget that HeLP for Hexie-aholics is next Wednesday...get all those hexie projects out so we can see what you are working on!


  1. Wow, sounds like a great place to have your machine serviced--and a fun place to kill time while you wait.
    Good thing you have Squeaky to check it all out and give you the "all clear" upon your return. : )

  2. Glad your machine is ok. I can't imagine if my machine packs it in! It's bound to happen.

  3. Happy day for the machine...and you! Glad Squeaky is there to do the final cat scan/quality control check! Y'all have a good weekend!! :)

  4. Oh, I wish I could use your service shop. I'm overdue on getting my Bernina checked out but I hate to do without it for a week or two.
