
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Amherst Quilt Show - part 1

As some of you will recall, my recent FARTs began with going to a not-so-local quilt show. I went because I thought they would have pretty quilts, some new-to-me vendors (they did!) but also as a test run for when Bonnie Hunter comes to teach classes in the fall (which is a mere 147 days, 20 hours, 51 minutes and 3 seconds away). The trip thru the city of Buffalo, made me second guess wanting to take a weekday class that started during rush hour, but I still think I am going to try to take 2 of her classes.

The quilt show was hosted by the Amherst Quilters' Guild and held at the Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village. I didn't realize until after I left the compound w/out getting my hand stamped that we could walk the village. Maybe this fall...

The main quilt display is hung in a central room and they are hung from the ceiling which I thought was a wonderful look. I do think some of the "aisles" were a bit narrow for the crowds and a bit dark for photos but given the choice, I think this might be my fav way to hang a show.

This was the best of show quilt. It was just gorgeous but you can see below just how tiny the pieces were.

There was just one hexie quilt...

But there were several bird quilts.

This was actually a mini and hand quilted with 3D flowers

This bird was a woven background. I've used this technique before but never with the curved "seams."

The guild had held a contest for "no touch" signs. I'm hoping you can enlarge this and read them:

This next one had to be my fav tho:

You're right, I'm likely never to do this kind of applique but I did enjoy the quilting itself. I think this was the only picture I took of quilting at the show. It's funny how some shows you photo the quilts and others you photo the quilting.

I loved the texture of the next quilt. I need to use this technique for something and soon. Maybe for a zippered bag?

I'll be posting more pictures later this week but if you can't wait, here is the guild's website with more.


  1. What, only one hexie quilt? Launch a protest or something, Sarah. This cannot be tolerated!! : )

  2. some real beauties here Sarah eagerly waiting to see more. Afraid could not read the Stop piece. Thought I would pick my favourite but it was impossible to
