
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The Bibliophile Files - 11/4/14

Unless you are brand new to my blog, you probably already know what The Bibliophile Files is all about. Basically I have challenged myself to read at least 74 books this year that fit into two challenges. One involves colors in the book titles and the other uses the first letters of a word in each book title to spell out the months of the year.

I am happy to say that the challenge is 83% over and I am actually 88% thru the reading list. Woohoo!!

I did have to make some adjustments to my chosen books yesterday. I had received some "book books" as my local librarian and I call them but I can get thru an audiobook sew much faster (and sew at the same time, too boot) so I have now returned the book books and ordered the last audiobooks that I need to complete my challenges. Only nine more books to go. Easy Peasy!

In the last month I finished these books:
     Devil in the White City (10/7/14)
     House of Riverton (10/13/14)
     12th of Never (10/19/14)
     Undone (10/31/14)
     Reckless Abandon (11/2/14)
     I've got you Under my Skin (11/3/14)

On my night stand and stereo: Agony of the Leaves and Everglades

And now... it's your turn!! What have you read in the last month?


  1. Oh I love your listings--I've never read "I've Got you Under My Skin"--(only sang the song heh heh) so I'll go to my library tomorrow to get it out, I just finished a great book by Peter Robinson called "In a Dry Season" velly good hugs, Julierose

  2. You go girl!!! Way to meet that challenge! I have kept up with my challenges . . . just haven't been great with reporting them. Had it up yesterday, though, early! LOL! :)

  3. I enjoyed House at Riverton a lot. It reminded me of Downton Abbey which is never a bad thing! Good going on your challenge.

  4. I found you through Deb and her quilt blog.

    I've read the Kate Morton book and I think it would've been wonderful to listen to, especially if the narrator was British. I need to consider listening to more books. I like the ideas behind your challenges. You are doing well!
