
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesdays in my Garden

I finally finished this garden bed!! Woohoo!! She's weeded, planted, mulched and watererd!!

I started it years ago but always got frustrated with one thing or another, fighting the weeds but never winning the battle and just giving up.  I don't know, something just clicked this year and I pushed myself over two weekends to just gitter-done! My (good) hip is none-to-happy but it's done and I'm thrilled.

I only added 2 new plants and moved the scattered bee balm to the back - the rest are quite established, they all just need some time to fill in as summer progresses. My original plan was to have a tall, flowy, English Garden style garden but the plants I'm drawn to don't fit the bill so now it's just lotsa things I like :-)

From left to right: white azalea (struggling after two harsh winters), stella d'oro (new), hardy geranium, balloon flower (I think), another new flower I don't remember the name of, delphinium, ginger, allium, day lilies, phlox and bleeding heart.

If I keep up my weekly garden shots, you'll notice I have a thing for rock/borders. I collect rocks everywhere - dig them from my yard or the pile I inherited with the house, lotsa local farmer field piles, camping in the ADK or even one day at a field fire I found I nice big flat rock. I never did get up the gumption to ask the other farmer for his huge benchlike rock after a barn fire. He would have had to get it to my house since it was so big but it sure was a beauty. I have borders made of flat rocks and borders made with round rocks and then the bigger rocks just get to take up space in the garden - big round rocks for the cat to sit on or big flat rocks for me to stand on while I get to the back. It's also less space to weed, haha.

I think I might need to visit some farmer rock piles to replenish this weekend!

Happy Hump Day!


  1. Oh that bed should fill in nicely! We do rocks in gardens and borders, too. (My daughter used to collect rocks in shoeboxes from wherever we went--when she left for college I found one-half of her closet stacked with a ton of shoeboxes--all full--she couldn't bear to throw any away--so I used them in my borders....) ;--)) hugs, Julierose

  2. Lookin good!! I did that last year and it is so gratifying! I want to put a rock edging on mine as well. We'll see.

  3. Love the rock borders. More of a cottage garden feel than a formal bed, and I am anything but formal!! : )

  4. I love it and had a good laugh, too. I have rock borders from those 'had to bring it home' from my youngest son and our travels. Some may even be from areas your rocks came from.

  5. good job well done! Now you have got it so nice it should be easy to keep on top of it, at the moment my lawn is all daisies that grow so quickly but the grass is growing at a snails pace not warm enough yet., funny how the weeds thrive whatever the weather!

  6. Your garden is looking mighty spiffy. They are lots of work, but in the end worth it. I love your idea with the rocks - and very true that it's less to weed. lol
