
Monday, June 08, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 6/8/15

Yesterday was a lovely drive followed by a class with my fav quilter followed by another lovely drive and then some sewing at home time before collapsing in bed. Ha!

Yipper!! Yesterday was the day my friend Cathy and I drove 2 hours down to Jamestown, NY to take a Sister's Choice class with Bonnie Hunter!! Woohoo!!

Funny thing is, she remembered me from the class last fall in Amherst. Couldn't remember my name but she said my face was familiar and asked if I had changed my hair (yes!).

I brought three things for show-n-share but didn't get any pictures of me and my quilts so you'll have to check Bonnies post for me with my Value Prop, Sister's Choice (still deciding borders) and my ruby colored Blue Ridge Beauty from my last class with Bonnie. She loved them all! You'll also have to check this other post about the class in general to see pictures of me and Cathy.

By the end of the class I had finished the following: 5 completed blocks (shown with 1 test block since I had reduced the size. I asked Bonnie to sign the test block/2nd from the left), 10 more 9 patches and 6 leader/ender D4P puss in the corner blocks. Phew!

After I got home I finished 4 more blocks and made some more tilted hexie fabric blocks. I'll need to cut more yellow for the star points so I can make more blocks.

Having made a SC quilt top already I decided to make a table runner with half size blocks (5" finished) - we'll see if I decide on a runner or doll quilt since someone had shared a doll quilt with a gorgeous border. I'll share that photo another day since no matter what I make I'll be using their border idea. LOL.

I have a picture of Bonnie with Cathy and myself but my iPhone isn't playing nice. Maybe tomorrow I'll share that photo and some photos I did get from show-n-share.

It's raining cats & dogs today and we even had a tornado warning (not the norm for these here parts!) so I guess I won't be mowing this evening. Instead I'll be making tiny Sister's Choice blocks for my "Baby Sister" project :)


  1. I hate it for you that you won't get to mow today . . . NOT! LOL! It looks like you really had a blast -- I'm SOOO glad!!! :)

  2. Yeah for you making Bonnie's class - have seen on her blog and some others. Your storm should hit us later and I will hide under the bed.

  3. I love your blocks! How fun that you got to go to a class with a friend!

  4. How great that you made it to another Bonnie Hunter class and glad you had such a good time. Sisters Choice has longtime been a favorite block of mine. Have a wonderful, quilty week.

  5. what a great day it must have been and so creative too

  6. Sounds like a fantastic experience!

  7. How lucky you are to have taken a class from Bonnie Hunter. My guild wants to get her here for our 2017 or 2019 workshop retreat. Fingers crossed.

  8. Your star blocks look wonderful. I took a look at the slide show and Value Prop is stunning (the path really makes the blocks sing) and I really loved your red and white quilt!

  9. I saw some pictures on Bonnie's blog. Love your choice of colors.
