
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 1/17/17

You know you've hit the big time when Google sends you a personalized birthday message. Wink.

Sorry - hard to get a good photo of the laptop screen.
I swear the bottom left says Happy Birthday Sarah!

That's right! Today is the reason that our monthly HeLP for Hexie-aholics is on the 17th of each month. It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

It's been a quiet day so far... I did brunch and cake with the parents on Sunday and Quilt Guild is tonight. I got my free iced coffee at the cafe this morning (can we say caffeine high?!) and I'll get a free chai at the bookstore this afternoon. It's quite different from last year's birthday post and I'm really OK with that!

The top is actually to the left in this photo.
It still needs one more row of the turquoise to match the bottom.

But just for you guys I worked hard to make progress on my owl quilt borders. I worked my fingers to the bone until I ran out of 2" papers. Now it's time to attach what I have so I can free up some papers. I have about a yard left of the turquoise batik so I've got to finish the right side and then more on the top and bottom to make it rectangular in the "right" way, if you know what I mean.

You knew it would come to this, right? He lasted about 7 minutes before going in to attack mode - must be the papers are more exciting than just the blocks that were out for the mystery quilt all weekend.

Of course I gave the boyz a special birthday treat!! It's the only way to get them this close.

And now it's your turn to share your hexie projects. We don't care if your project is new or a UFO - we just want to share in your excitement at making progress. Well that and the proverbial we (me!) can't resist new project ideas!

Have a wonderful day and you feel like it, please send me some SNOW. A blizzard would be fantastic. This gray rain is not appropriate birthday weather for this snow-loving Capricorn...


  1. Happy Birthday to you! The 17th of the month is always a special day.

  2. Happy Birthday!! I am not happy with all the gray either. My hexies (and other projects) have fallen to the way side - pattern testing right now. I am going down to the local library in about an hour for a class on making journals.

  3. Happy Birthday Sarah! I think I have said it before, but that quilt is really starting to look like a quilt! the hard work has paid off.

  4. happy birthday Sarah you must be a star getting a card from google.Your hexies border is lovely the turquoise border works so beautifully with your quilt

  5. Happy birthday wishes, Sarah!
    I wish I could send you some of my snow. We will be getting more in a couple of days--and for several days thereafter.
    Good to see the boys sharing a meal in your honor. : )

  6. I wish you a happy birthday Sarah. I like how your Hexies are coming out...

  7. Happy Birthday, Sarah.
    Wonderful progress, almost finish.

  8. I don't have any snow to send, but I'd send some seventy degree weather your way, if I could. Heck, if you stumble upon some snow, how about sending some down to me??!! I hope you had the happiest of birthdays!! That Bleu -- he likes the crinkle noise of the paper! It's about time he attacked! I'm gonna link up my post from *last* Sunday, since there are hexies actually in it!! :)

  9. Happy Birthday Sarah!! I hope you get some white stuff come your way. Feeding males of any kind works to get their attention for a few minutes. I am glad you love to celebrate in many ways. I live with mostly males & they do not like to shop. I have given up on many gifts. I have started buying my self something special when I see it. It doesn't take much to tickle my inner child, with a quirky embellishment. I finally have my health back, and that is really my best present to date!! Carver cat says hi!!

  10. Many happy returns to you. I can send snow and also ice if you want. We've been alternating snowing with freezing rain...not nice. But it is Canada in January. I love how that turquoise is setting off your lovely blocks. All so pretty together.

  11. Happy birthday again! I had a vintage hexie quilt to share this month!

  12. Happy Birthday, Sarah. Know it's late but our year is 365 days. Love your hexie quilt. So beautiful.
