
Friday, September 14, 2018

Feline Friday - 9/14/18

Momma made me a quilt!!

Momma didn't take many pictures but I think you'll get the gist cuz you're smart, feline-loving people! And if you don't understand my directions, you can check out the MSCQ video. I highly suggest downloading the MSCQ app for easy access.

Auntie ChaCha even made 5 of these as picnic quilts for her family! Woohoo! She didn't use my excellent tutorial but she did really good without it...

You'll start with two charm packs - Momma used "Eat, Drink & Be Ugly" It has fantastic Christmas sweaters, martini glasses, trees and Santas.

Pick 72 charm squares and sew them together in a 6x12 grid, shown above. The grid has to be twice as long as wide so you could even do 7x14 or 8x16. I don't suggest 1x2 tho.

Once the grid is sewn you'll use your trusty rotary cutter and ruler to cut from the bottom right to the middle top and then from middle top to bottom left. For you more experienced quilters, it will look like a gigunda flying geese unit, if you space them apart a little, with the big triangle on the bottom and 2 smaller side triangles.

Next is the tricky part and I just don't know how to explain it other than to say that you sew the small triangles together to look like another big triangle. Then you sew the 2 big triangles together and you end up with a square. It's just like magic cuz now all the charm squares are on point.

A bit of advice - don't spend so much time arranging the squares like Momma did - when you make the square they have all been rearranged. It's part of the magic.

Now it's time to add the borders. Miss Jenny only added 2" and 7.5" finished borders to keep this a square quilt but Momma added a 3.5" border on opposite sides to make it rectangular. Now it will cover Momma me better on the couch.

Just for documentations sake, you should know the red fabric has hexies and the outside, bluish border is grunge dots. That Momma, she is almost as dedicated to those hexies and grunge as she is to me...

I hope all my furreinds can now get their Momma's to make them quilts too!


  1. I made Tugger his own quilt because he always drapes himself over every quilt in every state of finish. He absolutely shunned it and pushed it away and walks all the way around it to not possibly touch it. Glad your kittie enjoyed his.

  2. I have seen this technique online, but I have never tried it. Turned out great!
    You know, sometimes your Momma may be just a wee bit too good to you. You might end up spoiled, if she isn't careful! ;)

  3. Oh I get it.. what size did this end up.
    I think I might use my eye Spy blocks to do this. Very clever. Thanks Sarah.

  4. It turned out really great! I like the elongated look you ended up with -- it makes for better furry friend stretches!! :)
