
Monday, December 16, 2019

Quiltville Mystery Clue #3 and Tiny Trees

I spent a lovely day in my quilt lab yesterday!!!

I had planned to also spend some time making Christmas cookies and quick breads (intended as gifts) but the main/good wall oven decided to give up the ghost before I even got the first tray in so I guess it's time to rethink those baked gifts...or at least rethink cookies that need multiple trays in and out of the oven when I am reduced to the smaller/annoying wall oven.  

As I've said before, I'm only making about half of each mystery clue. I slightly overshot this week's number of HSTs but I wanted the variety of blues so I was ok with making "extra". We can always make extra HSTs into something, right?!

I still don't think we've made many parts and pieces yet. This Jolly Green Giant box is only about an inch high and about 9x12". I'll have time this weekend to play in the quilt lab so if Bonnie is planning clues according to my schedule, I'm willing to make a bunch of hard bits this weekend!

I also made a lot of progress on my Temecula Tiny Tree sew along. The green rows are all together so tonight's goal will be to start adding the neutral background pieces. Several of these are intended as gifts and I'm going to be cutting it short given that I have Christmas party/meetings the next 2 nights. Maybe I just need to focus on the gift I'll need for Friday and then move on to the others for next week. Yeah. That's what I'll do. Focus Sarah!

Happy 9 days to Christmas - no pressure!


  1. Love, love the tree! All those greens, yum. I think you need an oven for your Christmas present.

  2. The trees are looking great. Good work on your BH

  3. Rut roh ... ovens giving out is never a good thing. We had a wall oven at the house on Hunter Road (our last sticks and bricks house). And it was small! I had to be careful what size turkey I got. I agree, smaller ovens are a pain! I hope you're able to get it fixed without too much expense. You're making terrific progress on your mystery! Yay!! And WOW! Your tree(s) look fabulous!! Did you see how Barbara finished hers out with the embroidered trees she'd just finished? Fun! I love your greens -- a nice variety; it's very pretty! :)

  4. I've been socking away extra HSTs for a while now. Someday I'm going to need to do something with them. Too bad about the oven. Why do ovens, stoves and plumbing always go haywire before major holidays? Maybe this is the year for no-bake cookies.

  5. Was that Denise doing her Scooby-Doo impression?
    It looks like you are spending way too much time with your sewing machine lately, Sarah. Are you running a fever or anything?
    How many of the Temecula Trees are you making?? I think it is such a cute quilt--very tempting. You've done a great job! Now take a break and stitch some hexies before you develop a rash. LOL

  6. Your Frolic units look good. Bonnie must have something more complicated and/or larger coming our way. I have worked out what percentage we've made so far but I won't say what it is because I know she doesn't like people doing that.

  7. I, too, was cutting my Christmas gift crafting VERY close this year, and some gifts are still not on the way to their new owners! But I did get everything finished, so that's alright...I guess. our new blocks and the trees look awesome!
