
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday Weather Report #134 - 12/11/19

Zorro was sooo pleased that I had some couch time last night that he just had to snuggle in himself.

The photo is awful since my beloved Ott light totally blew out the pic but the adoration was too good to not share.

This morning I tried for a better shot in the fresh snow.

December 4-10,  2019
35 - 30 - 33 - 29 - 39 - 41 - 34 F

This photobomb represents his paw of DISapproval on the snow. He didn't growl or hiss, like normal, but 30 seconds to look over his 'hood was enough before he went back inside to hold the ornament boxes hostage again.

Hexie Club always does a mug rug swap for our Christmas in December Party. We also have a Christmas in July Party but no mug rug swap. Hahahaha. Maybe we should fix that...

I don't seem to have a photo on my phone of the "penny rug' style rug that I won but it was impressive with all that buttonhole stitching.

I made this hot air balloon. I have more cloud fabric but if I make another I'll use a better basket fabric.

This is from a couple weeks ago... Apparently if the temperature is just right, you can see the insulation pattern under my cars hood. One of my coworkers is a mechanic and he's never seen this before, nor have I, but my car did it two days in a row in different weather situations. I'm looking forward to seeing if it happens again.

For it to happen again, tho, we will need some snow. Once again we have been issued a winter weather advisory for today but it's currently full sun and blue skies and we only have about .5" of the 7" predicted. Enough with the crying wolf and issuing advisories for every single snow flake and lets stick to only notifications for extreme weather. That's my 2 cents and I'm sticking to it!


  1. We got about 2" of the white stuff--but it turned very cold..brrrr...
    love that Z photo--;))) hugs, Julierose

  2. Got somw Lake Effect snow here this morning- sure it is coming your way. Doesn't the pattern look quilted?

  3. Pity the pattern on your car is diamonds rather than hexies. You need to suggest to the manufacturers that hexagons would make a much more suitable insulation design.

  4. OMGOSH, when I saw the pic of the car hood I thought you had drawn a quilt in the snow.
    Merry Christmas.

  5. Since that snow band moved south late in the day, I bet you wound up with more than .5". And it was 11 degrees here this AM when I got up. I really think you should consider to a min/max temperature quilt some time. The contrasts on some days would be dramatic. I'm glad Z is protecting the ornaments and keeping them warm.

  6. That is an adorable mug rug you made!
    Crazy about the snow on the car hood. Maybe it is the new "crop circle".

  7. Cool design on your bonnet. It's amazing when the timing is right. That's a sweet mug rug. Clever.

  8. Zorro is such a big softy, he's adorable!
