
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wednesday Weather Report #189 - 12/30/20

 This, my friends, is the last weather report of the year! You would think after last week's post that I would have something exciting to share. Well, I do but it's not what you were expecting. It's December so work is extra busy and I bring taxes home to prepare for their January arrival to the homeowners. I only have so much personal time left around the  holidays and I chose to spend it working on the mystery quilt this last week. The one I'm abysmally behind on. Ugh.  After this afternoon's year end meeting I'm back to a fairly regular work schedule for a while which means hexies at lunch and during the evenings. Woot!  

This pic is of my mothership station. Just a small folding table in front of the TV with an Ott light. I prefer to work with the bigger pieces on the table to support the weight of the quilt. I am working on the tenth green rosette this week and if this weekend goes like last weekend I should have all 12 finished this weekend. I make no promises tho...

December 23 - 29, 2020
40 - 48 - 29 - 19 - 31 - 35 - 27 F

Did you notice? We had a new low of 19F! I know, I know, I'm still the only weirdo that likes cold and snow but I gotta tell you our December weather was kind of a let down in the snow department. I demand request snow just 2 days of the year: Christmas and my birthday. Christmas barely came through as the snowmadeggen warnings resulted in a whopping inch of snow but I still have high hopes for January!!!


  1. Can't believe how you churn out the hexies. It is beautiful.
    We hit 3 degrees last night/this morning. What color would that be?
    And what were you watching on TV? Am I snoopy enough?
    I am cutting out your birthday block tonight!!

  2. That is some cool temperatures. Good luck with getting a snowy birthday!

  3. Wow, I'm amazed you only got 1" of snow out of the threatened storm. I'm sure parts of Buffalo would be happy to switch with you. I wouldn't mind a little snow, but I could skip any temperature below 20 degrees. Hexie flowers are looking good.

  4. We had snow December 1st that was gone by lunchtime, and that's it so far. Let's see what January brings!
