Thought I fell off the plant didn’t ‘cha? Well, I could offer a ton of excuses but they probably wouldn’t be worth the pixels they would be written in so lets just say a lot of water has gone under the bridge and a lot of quilts have been started – some have even been finished! Flylady says jump in where you are but the one thing I want to fill you in on would be that I bought a Bernina!! My LQS had a great sale this summer so I bought an Aurora 430.
I thought I would (re)start by sharing our International Mystery Series class this past Monday. Every month or
so, my LQS has a 3 hour mystery quilt class based on a country. So far we have had Egypt, Scotland and this month, Germany. The kits have color choices based on the country (Oktoberfest and Red Baron this month) and sometimes the pattern even fits. We also have a passport and get stamps for “taking a tour” (the class), “crossing the border” and “come back” (buying borders and backings) at which point we are eligible for “homeward bound” (free binding fabric). They’re easy quilts and everyone’s turns out so different even though we only have 2 color choices. To the left are my German braids. The Geishas will be strips between the braids, the first 1” border will be the bright red (part of the kit) and hopefully the Asian text will be the outer border.
I thought I would (re)start by sharing our International Mystery Series class this past Monday. Every month or

I also gave in and bought the US Lighthouse Passport. It seems like I should have bought one some time ago but I just hadn’t and now I’ll have to visit a lot of lighthouses again. Darn, I just dread that chore! When this passport is filled it can be turned in for a commemorative patch.
Of course, then there’s the best passport of all – my US passport. OK, so I’m on my second one and neither is very full but it’s fun to plan the next trip and that would be to visit Angela in Argentina with a possible side trip to Machu Pichu. Can’t wait! Oh, you didn’t think I would share my passport picture did you? Harharhar!