Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:
- Add the award to your blog.
- Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
- Mention seven random things about yourself.
- List the rules.
- Award to 15 bloggers.
- Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.
To me this was the hard part: Seven random things about me:
- Let's just get this one out of the way - I'm shy. You can't tell on this blog, at my job with the public, nor can my friends but stick me in a room of strangers and I become a wall flower.
- In high school I thought I wanted to be a pharmacist but when I studied chemistry in college I hated chemistry and did quite poorly. It wasn't until I moved to Florida that I switched to database design and did quite well. Now I have a job that has nothing to do with either. Go figure...
- I love to travel and I've been to 4 of 7 continents so far, including Africa twice! Most trips have been to visit friends or family (the best kind of trips IMHO) and I currently have an offer to visit family in Vietnam. I just need to make friends in South America and Antarctica!
- I can change the tires, brakes and oil on my own car. I choose not to most of the time...but I can.
- I have two left feet, unless I am in Zumba class.
- As a kid I would stay up waaaay past bedtime with a flash light and book under the covers. I still stay up late with a good book but I use the bedside lamp :)
- I love cooking and baking, including 18th century cooking over an open hearth. Doing dishes is an entirely different story.
Choosing 15 bloggers to honor was a tiny bit easier for me. I've left out four of my fav sites ( Barbara awarded me as Versatile Blogger, Denise already won the award and I thought Bonnie and Judy were already pretty popular) I want you to meet some of my friends that may not be as well known. These are the blogs I try to visit daily and they all bring a little something different to my table even if I just lurk:
- **Annie's Quilt Orts - I love reading Annie's weekly orts - you never know what will show up next! She also inspires me with her mini quilts.
- **Daisy Hill Quilts - I started reading Michelle's blog because she was also making hexie diamonds. Then she started the Rose Star that I am dying to do.
- **Darling Millie - Millie is Millie - what can I say other than I often wonder if this is what my kids are thinking?!
- Field Trips in Fiber - Vicki dyes the most amazing fabrics and posts EQ designs to go along with the monthly palette.
- **FlossieBlossoms - Susan's skill at those bittie blocks amaze me
- Giraffe Dreams - Carol first got me hooked on shelfari.com to log the books I read and look for others. I really enjoy her weekly book reports and charity projects, especially for the indian reservation that I can't remember the name of. Oops.
- Making Scrap quilts from Stash - the name says it all! Mary is a very prolific quilt maker and traveler. I love to see her quilting designs
- Me & My Stitches - Have you seen Julie 's quilted jewelry? Stunning!
- Prairie Quilts - I love hearing about Nines Holiday Feasts with her family - another prolific quilter.
- **Quilting by the River - Connie has lots and lots of fun tutorials
- Quilting Twin & Pages from Me - OK, I know this is two blogs but they are twin sisters Keryn and Mereth, who are very prolific scrap quilters.
- Rogue Quilter - Janet makes lovely quilts and I always love her fabric selections
- **Scraps and Threadtales - Want to learn more about antique quilts? Be sure to visit this blog.
- **Sew Karen-ly Created - Karen designs some amazing quilts - I really like the mariner's compass style designs.
- **There's a cat on my quilt - Lauren was a real life friend from my LQS before she became a blogger. Her art quilts and devotion to local animal shelters is amazing
Once again, Squeaky, Midgie, Pepper and I thank you all for visiting our little blog and look forward to seeing you again!
Thank you!
Thank you, Sarah. I am honored!
You are a sweetheart. I will post the info tomorrow night when I'm not semi- comatose like I am tonight!
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah ... I'm going to say it again: I *miss* you on the weekends! Here's to you, my versatile friend!! :)
Thank you, Sarah.
I will have to wait until the weekend to have time to post but I will get around to it.
I will have to do a rough copy. Lol.
How nice! Glad you like to visit and thanks for leaving such lovely comments. I'll be posting about the award in a few days. Thanks so much!
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