...into the dark! I've always wondered if changing the clocks really makes such a difference. I mean, now I have to turn the lights on in the morning. What's the diff - morning or night? Did y'all change your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide batteries? I have new smoke alarms and batteries waiting to be installed.
I've got the top together for my Quilts for Kids quilt. I was thinking of being an over achiever and appliqueing a black cat in a bottom corner that I would quilt with some bright colored thread I have...we'll see how this week goes.

This past Saturday was ice rescue training for the Castile Fire Department. Most of Silver Lake is in our district so it pays to be prepared. The lake still had 10 inches of solid ice so we practiced at Letchworth HS pool. We have 3 Mustang Suits and 3 older suits. They are designed with an air pocket inside, with only your face uncovered to the elements and can keep you warm for over an hour in ice cold water. Unfortunately, they are one size fits all and really made for tall, thin firemen. I don't qualify on either account. When your feet are underwater, the air pocket is forced towards your upper body, creating a vaccum around the lower extremeties. For shorties like me, the suit slipped so that my toes were in the ankle portion of the suit - it felt like I had flippers. Ankle weights help keep you upright but it is still hard to maneuver. The next picture is my dad and we all looked about the same. Depending on the weather, next saturday morning will be spent on Silver Lake with poor ice conditions.