Y'all are in trouble now...
Long story, short, several college students stopped in to my office yesterday with questions on some old buildings in the town where I work. I was telling Dad about it later and he said I should bring in his binder of antique postcards to show them when they come back. That gave me the idea to use the postcards along with the current pictures I've been taking to make the weather reports more interesting.
I only had this idea about 30 minutes ago so today's photos won't have much history but I'll try to do better next time. Dad also has several binders of cards for the town where I live so there will be lots of old pictures to come.
This card, postmarked 1911, shows Main Street between Lake and Covington Streets. I didn't bring my loupe with me to study the photo but I'm pretty sure the awning says there was a grocery store on the corner. The second store from the left is probably a ladies dress shop. It appears to be a dirt road and there are several horse drawn wagons for transportation. The church steeple in the background is no longer there - maybe some day I'll share some church photos.
October 21 - 27, 2020 69 - 54 - 76 - 43 - 45 - 47 - 47 F |
There is no postmark or date on the above card but I would guess 1950s or 60s based on the clothes and cars. The Perry Fire Department is shown in some kind of parade. You can now see the grocer has been replaced with Rexall Drugs on the corner and then Family Furniture.
I hope you giggle, as I did, about the mini cars while I was trying to take the panograph. Family Furniture now spans three store fronts. To the right is an insurance business and then a hair salon to complete the block.
I quick ran over to the Furniture store to try to get some dates for the color postcard or when they opened or expanded but the gal on hand didn't have answers. If I find out, I will add them to the post.
I hope you enjoy this new idea for posting. If you have suggestions for any aspect of the posts I am open to ideas. Happy Hump Day!