Some crazy night hours the last three days meant I crawled out of bed at the last possible moment this morning before work and it never dawned on me to take pictures for the blog...instead I'll "take" you to the tea party I attended last weekend.
Near my hometown is Silver Lake which is populated with summer (second) homes and a few year-round homes. One area around the lake is called The Silver Lake Institute and was started as a Methodist "cultural" center eons ago, similar to
Chautauqua Institute. There are a lot of cottages in the area as well as Hoag Art Gallery and Epworth Hall. Epworth, built in 1892, is a 3 story building built into a hill. The main area is 2 stories and the upper floor has stadium style seating. In the recent past, there are summer church services and weekly concerts and presentations. This was the first time I had been upstairs in Epworth.
I went to the tea with Mom and 4 friends and we had a blast. We started at Hoag for a small quilt show and then moved to Epworth for the tea. Two local quilt stores had some wares for sale and the upper railings were layered with quilts, old and new.
Our table hostess Sharon (an adopted family member as my grandmother and a relative of hers came over as Aussie war brides) and my quilting friends Nadine and Noel.
Sarah, Michele and Mom |
Food was plentiful as was the hot and iced teas. The almond clotted cream on cranberry mini scones were probably my favorite. The cherry bing tea was to die for. It was a Celestial Tea and I plan to look for some in the grocery store.
A hostess was chosen from each table to bring the table settings. Center pieces of hydrangea blossoms and rolls of fabric strips were provided by the planning committee. Table numbers where inserted into spools of thread. Our table had glass plates shaped like apples but others had willow ware or even green depression glass. I wish I had thought to look at more table scapes.
Michele in front of an old Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt
These show you an overall shot from upstairs. You can see the stage to the right. Some of the 100 ladies at the tea had offered to tell 2 minute stories about their chosen quilts and they were seperated into categories of dreams, prayer, etc. The programs were made into fans and listed the speaker and name of their quilt.
I love the rafters - this is a summer only building as there is no insulation but also no AC on a warm summer day. I did find little bamboo fans at Pier 1 for my table mates, not knowing the programs would be fans as well.
I do believe this was a very successful sold out tea and at my table, we are waiting very impatiently, hoping there will be another next year!
PS - Don't forget to vote in the poll to your right!