Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Hexie Linky Party - 8/17/12

Today’s post is twofold – not only is it our first monthly hexie linky party but it’s also taken a very, very long time to get to today, post #500. My first post was 1/6/2007 and I managed to post a whole 14 times that year. After a long hiatus I started blogging again in September, 2009. Eventually I got myself into a weekday routine of sharing my quilts and life in WNY with my cats. And now you guys are stuck with me :)

I know a lot of you have followed my recent obsession with hexies and by that I mean anything English Paper Piecing. I always have at least one project with me at all times just in case I have idle hands and I have many more projects ruminating around in my brain at any given time. I have photos of tile floors to copy and photos of other people’s projects to inspire me. It really is an all consuming obsession these days. I don’t know how many paper shapes or sizes I have, I gave up trying to count because it’s cheaper easier that way. I am still working out an organization method for the pieces and would love any ideas…

I realized Wednesday, at the prodding of Denise, that I had been a little cruel this week. Do forgive me as it was not my intent. Denise asked when I would be sharing how my quilt did at the fair and the whole time I had been holding out for today’s linky party. I’m very happy to tell you that I received a blue ribbon!!! WootWoot!!

There will be at least 2 sets of giveaways for today but the prizes aren’t completely fleshed out yet. As I said in my Feline Friday post earlier, Sandy from Creekside has generously donated fabric for my giveaways today. I even have hexie related gifts that were generously donated by Paper Pieces. You knew that was one of my favorite places to shop, right?! Every quilter also needs tea and chocolate and I have no idea what else will pop up in my travels before the winners are chosen. I'll share more about the prizes and sponsors when the prizes are finalized. I do hope you’ll join me in the fun even tho I can’t share the prizes yet.

It’s easy to enter in today’s contests, just leave me one comment for each of the following items you have completed and I’ll pick winners on Friday, August 31.
  1. Link up your hexie project to today’s hexie party
  2. Leave a comment with an idea for naming our monthly linky party. Some of you did that before but please post the idea again so it’s all in one post. At least one prize will be going to the person who’s idea I like best. I have an idea for a logo but I am open to ideas for that too. I want this to be as much your party as mine...
  3. Post on your blog about today’s giveaways.
  4. Be a follower and or figure out how to prove you follow me on Google Reader
All right, ladies and gents – now it’s your turn to share a post on your current or favorite hexie project of any shape or size. I don’t care if it’s a UFO, a finished project, an antique, a dream project or something you are currently obsessing over, just share a link to the specific post and not your blog in general. The party will be open for one week and we will party every month on the 17th. It’s my birth date!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Denise :) said...

Bahaha!! It cracks me up that I'd done most all of the requirements before your blog post was even live this morning! I'm linked and it's even relevant!!! :)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I *knew* it would take first place -- it simply HAD to!!! Yay!!!!! :)

Denise :) said...

Okay. So as for a name. What's in a name, anyway? Letters. That's what's in a name. What's wrong with Hexie Linky Party?! HLP Day! Long live HLP! You could do an icon of three hexagons with the bottom part of each hexie being a solid line, but the top part being the individual words and they could be interlinked, like the olympic circles (only three -- and hexagons). I think that would be COOL! :)

Denise :) said...

And I did post about today's giveaways. Like I said earlier, before I was even sure that there were giveaways. LOL! :)

Denise :) said...

AND.... I'm a long-time follower! :)

Me and My Stitches said...

Congrats on the ribbon! So well deserved. LOVE the hexie quilt!!

Me and My Stitches said...

Really? I'm TERRIBLE at making up names for things! But, I'm really liking Denise's logo idea! Does that count for anything? Hmmmm...I'll keep thinking!

Ruth said...

Grandkid visit, so I don't have pics, but I did cut out some hexies. Yippee!

wella said...

Congrats on the ribbon that's fantastic..... I don't know how to do some of your pride requirements :( help

wella said...

Finished most of my first hexie quilt just working on applqing the border. Started a red work quilt 1 block done 8 more to go (9*9 inch blocks)

Missy Shay said...

I follow in my Google Reader although
I have no idea how to prove it, I comment on your posts all the time!

Missy Shay said...

How about Hexie Happiness, or the Hexagon Hour? or the Hexie Happenings party

Missy Shay said...

I blogged about the giveaway and pinned it! http://missyscakesandaprons.blogspot.com/2012/08/linky-parties.html

ThreadCatcher said...

How about All Hexed Up for your group name? I do like Hexie Happenings that Missy suggested. Congrats on your 500th post.

ThreadCatcher said...

I have been a follower via RSS Feeds for awhile now. Congrats on the blue ribbon; it is a great quilt.

Angie said...

Oh.My.Goodness!!! This quilt is simply GORGEOUS!! Congratulations on the Blue Ribbon.

Janet O. said...

Wee hours of the morning--just got home from babysitting the grands. House too hot for sleeping. Can't catch up on all the blogs I missed, but your thumbnail caught my eye. Sarah, that quilt is beyond gorgeous! I have loved it all along, but seeing it hanging there all finished--it is stunning. You must have such a feeling of satisfaction! I think it deserved more than a blue ribbon--don't they give a "best of show" or sweepstakes, or something?

Ruth said...

Kid went home, so now I have a Starry Menace and the beginnings of a hexie quilt. Whoo hoo. Miss the kid, but it's nice to have quiet here again.
You could call this HELP: HExie Linky Party. OK, it's lame.

quiltmania said...

I just linked up with an older post. I have lots of Hexagons in the works, but nothing finished for a while!

quiltmania said...

And yes, I am your newest follower. Looking forward to the link up each month.

AnnieO said...

That was a well deserved blue ribbon--the quilt is exquisite!

Judy Dietrich said...

I love seeing your hexagon piece all done & entered in a show!! A blue ribbon for your work--congrats!! Do you know what you come up with if you put the word hexies in google search?? It was sort of weird. There have been alot of hexie groups--a name that might be different is Got Hexies?? or Hexagons R Us or PMS Hexies (your kitties initials) or Peace & Paper........

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your blue ribbon.
I didn't miss the post, just forgot to comment.....
I'm not good with names, but I like the suggestions that have been made.
Thanks for linking me up....

Ladyquiltsalot said...

A day late and a dollar short as my mother always likes to say........and I Linda sorry, I AM the newest follower! Been working too much and not hexing enough but thanks for the comment on my blog that led me here! Looking forward to a monthly party!