Today's photos features "pairs." Enjoy!
The first 2 quilts are from a Ricky Tims kaleidoscope pattern that I am determined to try. I've watched a quick video online (I hope I can find it again) but I also know you can buy the DVD or book too. The fabrics were fab in both quilts.
This Hawaiian quilt was huge - I dream of making one for my own bed but don't know that I could do that much applique w/out seriously aggravating my carpel tunnel/tendinitis/thoracic outlet syndrome :^( As a general rule I don't do much handwork, hexies being the only exception and, yes, some days I pay for it.
Mom and Dad went to Hawaii last summer and brought me back several patterns and books I hope to use some day. I thought the unusual fabric colors in this sampler were actually quite stunning, not the batiks and brights we expect in Hawaiian quilts...
There were good half dozen of the next pattern - each with a different color scheme. I think I read that they came from a class offered locally.
I think this was my favorite of the grouping with the bold quilting patterns and the yellow/gray opposites in the borders and diamonds. At most quilt shows I take lots of photos of stunning quilting designs. Not so this time, there were a few novelty type designs but also lots of meandering, which I am no good at.
Look for a final quilt show report tomorrow :)