Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, October 04, 2013

Twisting to the 60s with Batiks and a little help from my Feline Friday Friends!

I hesitated to join this hop at first...Having missed the 60s by a mere 382 days, what did I know about them?! I also never played Twister (gasp!) but I do have a thing for batiks and I do love my twister rulers. I'm actually surprised no one else in the hop has used a twister ruler yet...

I wanted to try designing my own twister pattern but with life (and death) in the way I just wasn't finding inspiration. And then one of the other hoppers sent me something that finally kicked my brain into gear. As soon as I got home I whipped up this simple little tie dye style swirl in EQ7 and picked fabric. Surprise - there is no purple in my project!

I cut out roughly 200 squares and sewed them all together with the requisite borders. Luckily Zorro offered to help with stitching.

I almost forgot to take a picture of the layout but Midgie held it in place for me.

Midgie even held the piece in place while I trimmed out all those tiny pieces.

Eventually I ended up with a wonderful project that I still don't know what to do with. Once I figure that out I'll add borders and quilt it up. It will probably be quilted very simply since there are a ton of seams!

Yeah, at first I was going to press the seams open...
that didn't last long because with enough steam I *can* get it to lay flat w/out opening them up :)

Wondering how big this project ended up? Midgie offered to pose again with the finished project! Quite a difference, no?

Here's another view...yes, that is an American Quarter!

Thank you to all the hoppers who have stopped by today. And thank you to Mdm Samm and Mary for organizing this Hop. Don't forget to check out today's other great projects:

And since it is also Feline Friday - feel free to link up any post with a feline in it!

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jan said...

My goodness sarah! This is awesome. I do not know how you sew all those little pieces. i just can't do it! Great job and I love the kitties,
xo jan@sewandsowfarm

margaret said...

love the way this swirls and so colourful too

Amy said...

Oh what a lot of patience you have sewing all those tiny squares together twice. It turned out very cool!

Janet O. said...

Zorro, is it? Sounds very adventurous! : )
I am gasping and fanning myself--NO PURPLE? What is this world coming to?
I LOVE what you have done here. Very clever twist (ha ha) on the theme. Very good job!!

Judy B said...

Love how your twister turned out! Thank you for sharing.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

The mini twister is fun and I love the affect with the spiral - nicely done.

Gingini said...

Twisted it is!! Nice friend you have to help you. :D

Manuela said...

Wow! Your mini twister is amazing.

Greetings, Manuela

Aletta said...

That little quilt is so cute! Look at all those little pieces. Well done! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Frederika said...

So cute. So nice you got a helping "hand".. Thanks for sharing

Michelle said...

Love it Sarah......
And I'm glad Zorro is helping you sew.......

charlotte said...

Wonderful job! It looks so complex. Great colors too.

Jeanie said...

Hi Sarah.....love this little quilt! I've never done a twister and it's amazing how it changes from the original layout. And love your kitty assistants.... looks like they do a great job too!

Thearica said...

That is the most awesome twister quilt I have seen. Great job!

Sparky said...

yes it appeared so much larger, even more impressive the detail of your design..way to go my sweet lady..

Vickie said...

You are lucky to have those cute little helpers to keep you company and to assist with those tiny pieces. LOL WE all *can* steam fabric into submission ! It's a pretty quilt you ,Midgie and Zorro can be proud of. Yeah teamwork !

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh I just love your quilt!!

Shari said...

Lovely work..so tiny. Great kitty assistants!

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

That is impressive! It looks like it took a lot of time and effort, with a beautiful result!

Carla said...

I love it. It would go with my quilt perfectly, I just did blocks. I didn't even think of the twister ruler. This is beautiful.

quiltmania said...

Very creative use of your twister ruler. Love the results!

Sewgreen said...

I LOVE the pattern you picked out!! it's wonderful!

krislovesfabric said...

Beautiful, love the color swirl :) and the kitty,lol!

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Such little pieces!! Looks great :)

Carol Swift said...

That is just beautiful(and so are the kitties.) So many tiny pieces...wow!

Linda said...

What a beautiful little quilt! Great job!

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Wonderfl and a little help, too!!

Carolyn ^v^

Leah said...

What a great twister quilt!! I love the tiny pieces and your cat helper. I have one of those around here myself. They are great quilt inspectors.

Bquiltin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julierose said...

Amazing work--so gorgeous! I love it! Kudos for a super pattern...hugs, Julierose

Bquiltin said...

Great job Sarah.... love the colors, design and the kitty! Keep hoppin if you can!

Just Quilt It said...

Oh, I love this! I have the twister ruler, but I haven't tried it out yet--I really need to find a project to use with it! Great work!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Looks beautiful and isn't it amazing how twister quilts shrink!!

Kathy H said...

Very pretty quilt. I love those little twister quilts. I haven't made too many of them yet but I really enjoy seeing them.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

That's an outta sight Twister quilt. You are right that twister pattern is the perfect one for this blog hop theme. Your design is far out too, I really dig those colors...and those sweet kitties too.

Calicojoan said...

Wowziers, those are some tiny little pieces. Love your twisted quiltie! Just as much as your feline friend does! :-)

Heleen Groot said...

That is awesome! So very tiny and so very neat! Sjeeeeez.... I didn't even realize how small they were, till your assistant posed on the block. It looks beautiful too. Sorry to hear about Pepper, she was a very pretty kitty. You must be missing her like crazy. Sending you peace and love and a hug!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Love the twister quilt with batiks and all of the help you have how do you ever get anything done. :D

Anonymous said...

Sarah-Love your twisting quilt but especially your furry helpers. I also have 3 rescue kitties that help me with projects by testing out the fabrics. My little black female even pulls out pins with her teeth so I have to be very careful. If she had an opposable thumb I'd have to teach her to use the sewing machine-LOL! Thanks for sharing.

Jane's Quilting said...

OMG. I love it! (I really need to get one of those twisted rulers. I just love what you can do with them. Oh, and it looks like Midgie agrees with me.

Brenda said...

I love this! You must have a lot of patience to work with things this small and to keep it all straight!

Mara said...

Oh My I can't believe the size difference, that is unbelievable!

Lori said...

wow this is gorgeous. love your helpers

Mary said...

Great quilt! I love the twister pattern and you did a fun quilt with it. Thank you for being part of this groovy hop!

Linda C said...

Wow, Sarah! Great idea on the twister pattern. What itty bitty pieces those ended up being. THX to the furry friends for their able assistance. Zorro looks a bit like my Skyler and just as nosy! LOL.

Lyndsey said...

Fabulous twister I really like it. Great help you have in your sewing room.

MalinisQuilts said...

Wow! this is impressive work. I love how tiny your final blocks are. Stunning pattern! Hmmm...why didn't I think of the twister ruler.

Like you I missed the 60s boat too. But really glad that I joined. it was fun.

sandra said...

Wonderful little twister quilt Sarah, such tiny peaces . Thanks for sharing your project with us.

sandra said...

Wonderful little twister quilt Sarah, such tiny peaces . Thanks for sharing your project with us.

Marcy said...

I can't believe it. Such teeny tiny fabric bits make that gorgeous twister.

Joyce Carter said...

Your quilt is so awesome. I really love how it swirls. I love the colors, too. Beautiful job! Thank you for sharing.

Quilting Tangent said...

Pretty quilt.

Janarama said...

Love your little quilt! Looks like your furballs like it too!

StitchinByTheLake said...

The very thought of 200 squares scares me to death! This turned out to be so beautiful....really gorgeous. blessings, marlene

Margaret said...

I have to say that was a lot of cutting and stitching to twist around. Lovely project and thanks for sharing

LJ said...

Wow, I can't get over the size of your twister quilt!! It's absolutely gorgeous and groovy, too. Very cool.

Emily C said...

What a cute kitty. Such a good helper! What tiny pieces.

Teatime Creations said...

Love your twister project, especially the helper. 200 squares -cool.

InGa said...

Beautiful colors, and twist.
Lovely helper. :-)

Britt-Inger said...

Oh i love it!!! Thanks for sharing

Denise :) said...

Holy WOW! That's really awesome! Though I'm still living in shock that there's not a stitch of purple in it. I think--really--that's what Zorro was doing. Trying to figure out where the heck the PURPLE was! You did a fabulous job with it!! :)

Betty said...

I love this design and your cute helpers!