Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, June 06, 2014

Feline Friday - 6/6/14

It's summer time and the living is easy!!!

I think Momma needs to take the stickers off the purple violet Adirondack chair she bought me...

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Vroomans' Quilts said...

A Zorro - relax away! Yes, the stickers need to go.

Sewgreen said...

My minnie girl would be playing with those stickers!

Janet O. said...

Too funny! That is one cool cat!

Carla said...

lol! Oh my. Cool cat

Missy Shay said...

How funny, the post I was going to write today, but ran out of time for, had one of my cats on my teal green Adirondack chair. LOL

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Such a cool cat... I just bought a few of those exact chairs too!