Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Feline Friday

Z - How long do you think we should pretend not to like each other?

S - I *don't* like you.

Z - Yes, you do.

S - Nuh't uh.

Z - Do to!

S - Momma, he's looking at me.

Z - Am not. You're looking at me!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesdays in my Garden

I finally finished this garden bed!! Woohoo!! She's weeded, planted, mulched and watererd!!

I started it years ago but always got frustrated with one thing or another, fighting the weeds but never winning the battle and just giving up.  I don't know, something just clicked this year and I pushed myself over two weekends to just gitter-done! My (good) hip is none-to-happy but it's done and I'm thrilled.

I only added 2 new plants and moved the scattered bee balm to the back - the rest are quite established, they all just need some time to fill in as summer progresses. My original plan was to have a tall, flowy, English Garden style garden but the plants I'm drawn to don't fit the bill so now it's just lotsa things I like :-)

From left to right: white azalea (struggling after two harsh winters), stella d'oro (new), hardy geranium, balloon flower (I think), another new flower I don't remember the name of, delphinium, ginger, allium, day lilies, phlox and bleeding heart.

If I keep up my weekly garden shots, you'll notice I have a thing for rock/borders. I collect rocks everywhere - dig them from my yard or the pile I inherited with the house, lotsa local farmer field piles, camping in the ADK or even one day at a field fire I found I nice big flat rock. I never did get up the gumption to ask the other farmer for his huge benchlike rock after a barn fire. He would have had to get it to my house since it was so big but it sure was a beauty. I have borders made of flat rocks and borders made with round rocks and then the bigger rocks just get to take up space in the garden - big round rocks for the cat to sit on or big flat rocks for me to stand on while I get to the back. It's also less space to weed, haha.

I think I might need to visit some farmer rock piles to replenish this weekend!

Happy Hump Day!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Feline Friday - 5/22/15 - TGIF

T. G. I. F!!!!

Bring it on, people, bring on the weekend!!!
I'm ready, right here in my ADK chair...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Almost Wordless Wednesday

I don't remember planting this purple beauty...let alone planting it smack dab in the middle of my ginger plant.

Anyone know what it is? We are thinking allium or garlic for lack of knowing better...

UPDATE: It's been confirmed as an allium, a self seeding member of the onion family. I've always wanted allium but never got around to planting them. I hope they come back in spades next year...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 5/18/15 - For the Love of Hexies...

Today I thought I would share a group design wall!

Nearly 3 years ago I started a hexie group at my LQS. We started with just a couple gals at each meeting and we now regularly have 14 at each meeting. We would love to have more join us but we're going to need to find some more chairs first!!! LOL.

Last year we were asked to demo at several different events (Farmers' Market, Wyoming County Fair and Fall Festival to name a few) and I was hoping we would be demoing again this year so I told the girls it was time to think of an official name and pick a logo.

We eventually settled on "For the Love of Hexies..." and picked a logo after which I had the harebrained idea that we should make a table topper of some sort for our demos. We picked a focus fabric (for colors) and I had each gal make 2 logos in her color scheme. 1 logo is for the table topper and she has to make the other logo into something for herself. The results of this and our fussy cutting challenge will be the main portion of our exhibit at the Arts Council for Wyoming County this September.

At our regular meeting (5/1/15) we had this:

And last Friday we had a special meeting where we ended with this. It might be a little hard to tell but it's in 6 larger pieces.

I am so excited to see this coming together!! There is 1 more yellow logo coming to make this a triangle. That way we can have the majority of the topper on a folding table and drape the rest over the front to grab people's attention.

Some of the girls took pieces and parts home to finish adding the black diamonds/triangles so when we have our next regular meeting on 6/5/15 we can put the  pieces all together and fill in the sides (you can kinda see it there at the bottom: 3 black hexies and 1 colored hexie to match the center of all the logos).

If anyone is local or swinging through Wyoming County in Western NY on the first Friday of the month, we would love to have you join us for an evening!!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 5/17/15

Hello and welcome to another Hexie Linky Party (HeLP) for Hexie-aholics!!!

Today I'm sharing progress on my Value Proposition project!!
I'm prepping this post on Friday - by the end of lunch I'll be able to finish sewing these two together.

At some point this weekend I'll be able to attach this pair to the  mothership, which will look like this:

If you're just dying to see what the whole quilt will look like...here you go!!

Incredibly out of focus but I didn't realize until I had picked them all up. Sorry!
Laying it out like that shows me I have a loooooooong way to go but I have another one day conference this weekend which should get me well on my way with the inner sashing on another rosette. I'll take any progress I can :-)

And now it's your turn! What are you working on?? We want to see your current projects, UFOs or dream projects. It can be hexies, kites, thirds, diamonds, whatever shape you want - we don't care -  we just want to see it. LOL!!

Thanks for linking up and Have a Hexie Day!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Feline Friday - 5/15/15 - PSA

It's hot out there people ...

OK, so it's not so hot today, but it was HOT when Zman learned this trick...and he wanted to share!

...don't forget to drink enough water!!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Design Floor Monday - 5/11/15

Just a quickie little post today. My EMT practical exam is tonight and I am using every spare minute today to review. Keep your fingers crossed at 7pm!

The 110 question exam is in 10 days. I'm a little stressed but also thrilled to have the class over for another 3 years :-)

Clearly my model had his own agenda to take care of...

It was another busy weekend with EMT practical review with a fellow classmate, local garden club plant sales, an MVA and then Mother's Day activities. I did get a little machine/ironing time in on some D4Ps and my Ruby blocks but not enough to even bother finding a camera.

I best get back to studying!!!

Friday, May 08, 2015

Feline Friday - 5/8/15

Hey y'all - Midgie here!!!

Momma thinks this next picture reminds her of the Brady Brunch with everyone in the family in their own "square." Some are paying better attention to the iPhone than others.

I like to think of it as the 3 minutes of torture when Momma plopped me so close to the Introoder just for the sake of a funny picture.

The things we do to entertain Momma.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Bibliophile Files - 5/5/15

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Yowzer - it's already time for another Bibliophile Files...where does the time go?? I'm certainly not getting through many books so far this year. I think it's partly because of my 6 hour/week EMT class. Of course, the final test is in just 16 days (even bigger yowzer!!!) so I'll get my reading/sewing time back real soon!!!

Have you had any time to read in the last month? Please do share! We would love to hear about novels, quilt books, cook books, comic books, magazines, cereal boxes or you name it!

Cruel Intent
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - such a fun YA book about kids with peculiar abilitites that can travel thru time.
Keeping the House - one of my favorite book styles - the book takes place in both the present and the past. Except this time the "present" is the 50s and the "past" is 40s. Lots of jaw-dropping twists that just ruined this family poor little rich family and the town gossips that feeed the story.
Hollow City - 2nd book in the Peregrine series. I do think these are books that must be read in order. The final CD had pictures of the peculiar kids and says another book is coming soon. I dug around on shelfari.com and I think it will be called Library of Souls.

Still on my stereo: Cadillac Beach

Your turn! Please link up a post with your recent reads or leave a comment below. We can't wait to hear what you've been reading!

I would also love to hear what you are cooking today for Cinco. I have salsa and avocados but I haven't picked a recipe - hence the note that you can link cookbooks. Teehee. If nothing else, I'll be making by fav quesadillas...


1. Deb@asimplelifequilts  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, May 04, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 5/4/15

May the Fourth be with you!!  Sorry, couldn't resist...Star Wars joke...LOL!

It was a busy weekend at Casa Grande - part of it spent outside in the great outdoors, digging in my delightful clay yard. Yeah, not as much fun as I'm trying to make it sound but it felt good to make some  progress on the gardens. I'm a very finicky gardener --> the weather had to be just right (not too hot or cold) because I could be inside sewing!! I cleaned up a hosta//lily/solomon's seal bed, changed out some rock borders, trimmed all 4 clematis and weeded an area that will finally be completed as a flower bed this year. I had music playing, the weather was warm, there were no bugs yet and Zorro was snoopervising! Of course, today I am stiff and my fingers are torn up since I don't like gloves but I feel "good" if you know what I mean. There is still plenty more to do - maybe once I get it sorta presentable I will share photos...We are still at the "don't look yet" stage.

I still was able to get a bit of sewing accomplished.

Goodness! My ironing board cover needs a good bath!

As you might recall, I'm making Bonnie's Blue Ridge Beauty in red and whites. I have not really been making a certain number of blocks, even though at last count I needed 24 more for my original plan. I was considering making it a bit bigger and that will work out fine since I just make 4-patches and HSTs and see how many blocks I can get. I'm gonna guess these piles have somewhere between 30 and 40 blocks and I still have a pile of 4-patches w/out HSTs. I will be attending another Bonnie class in just 33 days and I would really like to get this top done for show-n-tell. That translates into I best get my act in gear!!

The yellow is what is already attached or has the darker middle sashing on it already.
Rosette #4 in the upper left is at home so I can add the rest of the dark sashing and attach it to #4.
Rosette #10 on the middle right is at work so I can add the inner/light sashing this week. Next week I'll finish the outer sashing so I can join it to #3 and the "mother ship". I'm looking forward to sharing the mother ship at our next HeLP.

I also worked on my Value Proposition project in dribs and drabs. I actually have one block at work to add the light sashing and another at home to add the dark sashing. As soon as this post is finished I'm going to spend the rest of my lunch in my car with my windows open, my hexies and an audiobook so I can enjoy the weather - it's currently 78F!! If only I could figure out how to walk and hexie at the same time...

And just for your personal amusement, this Christmas Cactus is blossoming again! I had one that blossomed for Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Not sure what I'm doing right but I'm not going to change a thing and see if they'll blossom again in a couple months.

See all y'all tomorrow for Bibliophile Files!

Friday, May 01, 2015

Feline Friday - 5/1/15 - Cold!!

Were you really cold last Sunday around 2pm NY time?
Well, Momma thought you deserved to know why...

I weigh all of 5.75 pounds!

On Saturday my little sissy had to go to the V. E. T. in her P. T. U. and I thought she deserved a little snuggle on Sunday before Momma left for her conference.

It's not my fault Hell froze over in the process!! Geesh...

PS - Midgie has antibiotics, flea meds, a heart murmur and maybe hyperthroidism. She's also upgraded to a completely moist food diet due to teeth issues. It's hard getting old...

PPS - There was no fighting or hissing for more than 30 minutes while Midgie (normally terrified of Zorro) allowed him to sleep next to her! Miracles do happen!

PPPS - GrandMomma tattled that Z was mean to M on Monday. S came to M's aid but GM kicked Z out of the house for the day. Miracles can be short lived :(