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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Red sky at night…sailor’s delight

That was what my grandmother would say when “predicting” the weather for the next day. Of course, the opposite phrase was “red sky in the morning…sailors take warning.” I’m pleased as punch to say that today was a delight and if the phrase holds true so will tomorrow.

This morning I rose early to a brisk 39 degrees – not so bad in February, given the storms racking the northeast BUT I don’t live anywhere near the north. Miamians can't handle this yummy turn of the weather: I stopped at Einstein’s this morning and saw people with 3 or 4 layers of clothes compared to my one layered uniform shirt and jeans – yipper, I’m a Yankee thru and thru. Now this is not to say that the patio door was closed nor will it be closed tonight when we expect the same temperatures. As I was saying…the clear skies and vibrant sunset predict another cool night followed by a Sunday.

Sorry, no photos – I spent too much time enjoying the cats curled up on quilts this morning or watching tonight’s sunset to even think of grabbing a camera.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

This is the mini quilt I made while learning paper foundation piecing. I was also practicing free motion quilting while I finished this pink beauty so you might be able to see the hearts stitched into the border. OK - I'll admit it, I'm still working on my free motion but I can do ivy leaves very well!

I just started the Pineapples Plus class at QuiltUniversity.com. This is my homework for week 1. I plan to make at least 3 more for a wall hanging or pillow.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not paying attention

Yesterday I was working on dinner and preparing to sew at the same time. The pork chops were already baking so I decided to start some egg noodles on the burner that vents the oven, thinking it was already warm. I had just emptied the dishwasher and placed the Pyrex dishes on the front burner until I could get the step stool out to put them away on the top shelf. Can you guess where this is going? I turned on the front burner instead of the back burner and stepped out of the kitchen for 2 seconds. When I returned to see if the water was boiling, the burner cover was red hot, the paint burning off and the Pyrex were quite warm. I was not a happy camper as I vented the kitchen to get rid of the smoke. At least dinner turned out yummy. The leftover pork chops were even better today with raisin risotto and okra but you can bet I was focused on cooking only.

Hmm…there is a quilt show in the Keys this weekend: Piecing in Paradise. Let’s see, on one hand I can stay home, do laundry and sew or on the other hand, I can drive 3 hours thru The Keys to see 200+ quilts and shop the vendor mall! This is the Keys we’re talking about – I think I’ll be going for a road trip!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunrise at the Lighthouse

Yesterday morning I brought some photog friends into the Cape Florida State Park before it opened for sunrise at the lighthouse. The sunrise and the weather were both perfect. I know the guys took some wonderful photos and while I got a few, I really enjoyed the quietness…just the waves, the birds and the view. As soon as the park and then the lighthouse opened to the public, the noise level rose considerably, especially when ~20 rambunctious cub scouts came rambling thru!

I also saw the trifecta – 2 jumping stingrays, a manatee and a dolphin. The 4 of us had started the day with breakfast at the tiny local diner and later had lunch at the park café. After giving my weekly LH tours I went home and crashed! I may be a morning person but my morning doesn't usually start at 4:30.

It appears my hard drive is full so I can’t Photoshop or re-size the photos I’d like to share but I will do so ASAP and then post them. I’m off to sew more log cabins and then I have to work on my quilt university homework…

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Puttering along...

I’ve actually been working on 2 projects but there hasn’t been any significant visual progress to post a photo. I’ve got ¼ of the orange and black log cabin blocks done. I’ve also finished the binding on my strips and curves quilt and I’m working on hiding all the ends. I think it needs a bit more quilting so I hope to get that finished this weekend…which will mean more ends to hide. Somehow that is the worst part for me, I just find it dreadfully boring to hide ends. At least the new glasses help – it’s much easier to do handwork and watch TV or movies at the same time. Recently I have watched Wicker Man, Lady in the Water and Step Up while I was stitching. All were thumbs up movies.

I think the next step will be to wash the S&Cs quilt. Any suggestions? I'm relatively new to FINISHING quilts so I haven't washed very many. My LQS sold me a special quilt soap and told me to wash them in front loading washers only. As it is, I only have access to the laundry room at my apartment complex but must I really go sit in a laundromat to find a front-loader??

I had to go for more medical tests today. Strange, this odyssey started to check my eyes (my thyroid and the eyes are fine!) but now I need a nerve test of my left arm and the knee MRIs indicated I need to see another orthopedist. I was injured 12 years ago with a repetitive twist injury over the course of a 4-summer job as well as that little horse that kicked me and nothing has ever really been done besides 4 sessions of PT. It seems I have swelling, possible fracture and unknown meniscus damage. Oh and they want more tests for other problems...hopefully all will be solved soon cuz this is costing me precious quilt money :)