Yup the funk is over. And what, do you ask, got rid of it??? Planning what projects to take to a retreat next month. I drafted some projects in EQ and now I would like to get some kits made up and pick some other patterns that I can just grab a strip bin for fabric.
I told someone today, I may just have lots of kits in my car, take a couple in to the retreat at a time and as I finish or get bored, go trade it for something in the car! If nothing else, the retreat is a whole 4 miles from home and I can go grab anything I need or forgot.
Yikes - sorry for the blurryvision. This is actually part of a class sample.
This morning I was making strip sets for the next border on the above sample.
Ok - I'll be honest, I didn't take a before picture but this was kinda what it looked like last weekend.
This is from last year and this car no longer even sits in my driveway...more on that another day
This is my backyard this morning. It all melted and rained yesterday.
Today we beat the 40 year old temperature record of 55F and more rain.
Friday we have a snowstorm warning and we are back down to 18F.
There were a few people yesterday who were trying to resist duplicating my hexagonpuzzle quilt :)
This morning I thought of a scaled down project that might get it out of your systems with out having to make the whole thing!
Kinda hard to see the project Miss Midgie....
I think this would be great in a gradiant or one line of fabric or even all different stripes. The outer triangles could be the same as the large hexies or an extension of the center. I just think there are lots of options here for a cute little table topper or candle mat.
I've been in a funk lately and not much interested in sewing anything on my machine. Luckily I was still in the mood to work on hexies and I've been adding some parts to my hexie puzzle project. I've got another three 2" hexies and 6 puzzles ready to add so that should keep me busy for the week. I know it's not symmetrical at this point and it's driving me nuts so the current goal is to get it back to symmetrical...or maybe an oval...who knows...
You know what happened as soon as I put this on the floor for a photo, right?
I inherited this gorgeous round side table from my great aunt last year. I think it would be pretty to have this quilt on the top but I don't want to hide the fancy woodworking, meaning it couldn't be too long. I'm still not sure I want anything on this table (you can see how much color is already in that part of the room with a quilt on the wall, a stack on the antique family trunk and more on the back of the side chair) so I'm just fumbling a long but no matter what I want this project completely finished by the end of March so I better get deciding...
NO peeking - we are about to pick Momma's Birthday Giveaway Winners!!!!
Our first giveaway is a copy of Pieced Hexies autographed and mailed directly to you by Mickey Depre! I will also be sending a pack of 1.5" hexies, tiny binder clips, a FQ of the winners favorite color and chocolate!
There were 22 links and the winner is....Mina from Houston Texas!!!!! Be sure to check out her blog!
For anyone else interested in picking up a copy of Mickey's book please visit her website and you too can own an autographed copy of Pieced Hexies. My copy was shipped super fast and you won't be able to put the book down for lack of new ideas. Thanks again to Mickey for donating a copy of her book. I do hear she is working on another book already - wootwoot!
Our second giveaway is 2 FQ - one has adorable kittens and the other is a coordinating fabric from the same line called "Ivory Cats" by Quilting Treasures. Both of these were donated by one of my LQS - Creekside! Thank you Sandy!!!!
Entrants for this giveaway had up to 4 ways to enter and each required leaving a comment on the giveaway post. There were 23 comments and the winner is....Frances and her cat Suzi in UK!!!!! Be sure to check out their blog!
Congrats to both our winners now lets see what you other kitties were up to this week:
I've been having fun getting started on my hexathon blocks. And...if you leave out the fact that this was really a 2012 hexie-of-the-week purchase, I have done 3 blocks in the 3 weeks of January sew we are right on schedule!!!
Tonight I'll pick fabrics for #4. I have 7 solids but I am not sure it will be enough variety...we shall see...
So it's after 4pm and we just got an internet connection here at work...it's been uber quiet with no customers (It *is* a federal holiday) and no internet radio. I'll keep this quick and easy so I can get back to work...
This is my version of a scrappy block that Bonnie shared last summer. I didn't quite have enough leftover HST to do all the central blocks so I doctored the corners. I actually think it gives it a little more zing. Now I just need to pick a backing. I am thinking of the purple again for the binding.
PS - Did you sign up for my Birthday giveaways yet? Add your hexie project to the hexie linky party for a chance to win an autographed copy of Pieced Hexies and associated supplies. You can also try the 4 ways to win at Feline Friday. You've got to be in it to win it!
Mother Nature is taking us through *all* the paces!
Recently we had two pretty good snow storms. Last weekend it thawed and completely melted away and when Momma realized inside and outside the house were both 65F, the windows were all opened and my brother, sissy and I took full advantage.
For Momm'as birthday yesterday we got another inch or 2 of the fluffy white stuff and we will have winds up to 50+mph again this weekend. Not sure what to expect next, except it's Wyoming County, NY and give her 5 minutes until the weather changes again :)
Now we're sure all of you hexie-aholics have already linked to yesterday's hexie linky party (there are prizes) but for our non-hexie readers we wanted to offer another birthday giveaway!!! Today's prize:
1 FQ of the cat fabric and coordinate. I bet there will also be chocolate!
You have 4 ways to enter:
leave a comment below
link to the Feline linky party and leave another comment
leave yet another comment that you follow our blog
leave yet another comment that you have blogged about either give away on your own blog.
Hello and welcome to another Hexie Linky Party for Hexie-aholics!!!!
Oh and BTW - Happy Birthday to me! LOL! That's why there are gifts for you!
I had hoped to have a much better progression report on my pieced hexies but life just got in the way so I'll show you where I'm at. It's looking like this will be a table runner and I just need to add 6 more hexies to each end and then fill in the sides to straighten them out.
The design process is a bugger cuz there are numerous iterations of how to lay out the fabric and which shape to use in each space. I've probably agonized over this for 2 hours already and I just need to say this looks good and go with it. You can barely make out the papers on the left and some whole pieces of purple, gray and cream fabrics that I am auditioning.
I did however, buy myself a little gift with the help of the notosLQS's frequent shopper card and these acrylic templates make it easier to mark the papers and I can lay them out to see how the shapes play next to each other.
On another hexie front...am I the only one who has had to purchase "storage" for her hexie papers? Oi!! Check out my toy machine collection on the top shelf! And yeah...the books are on the shelf by color....much prettier this way ;^)
And now, what you've all been waiting for...giveaways!!!!
I contacted Mickey Depre who graciously donated a copy of her book Pieced Hexies. She will be mailing the winner an autographed copy!!!!! Isn't that fabulous?! And don't forget my tip to spiral bind the book - it's much easier when drooling over all the fab design ideas.
I'll be sending a pack of 1.5" papers, some tiny binder clips (which I find better than sliced bread!) and a FQ of your favorite color. But wait, there's more...there will also be chocolate!! And maybe a surprise!
I would really like the book to go to a hexie-aholic so today's prizes are only available for people who link their blog or photo to HeLP - any project, new or old, finished or even just a dream, is eligible. We don't judge your technique so show us your style! You have until next Thursday to enter the giveaway. Good Luck!!
In your birthmonth, guild members are asked to pick a colorfully wrapped package from the basket. I immediately went for the purple tissue wrapped package...and when I opened it I jumped up and yelped "Hexies"!!!!
The organizer apologized but I said it was perfect because I had wanted to make some myself anyway.
Don't forget tomorrow is HeLP for Hexie-aholics!!!
Do you have a favorite book that you use often but it's a little akward to keep open? You've got to find two things to prop it open but then you notice the spine is breaking?
Well, I've got the bestest solution!!
Pay FedExOffice (fka Kinkos) or someone else to spiral bind it for you. I admit it is a bit rediculous to pay $1.50 just to cut off the binding plus the rest of the fee but it is soooooooooo worth it in my book.
What I wish I had also done was add in a page of my own that shows what shape has what name. I can't remember a wheelie from a jazzy for the life of me...
Just 2 more looooong seams and Easy Street will be in once piece!! WootWoot!!
And this time the quilt was checked out by not just one but TWO quality control officers.
I think they like it :)
Don't forget that this Thursday is HeLP for Hexie-aholics - get your projects, new and old, ready to share as there will be prizes!!!
PS - these pictures are from over a week ago during/after a big snow storm...tomorrow it's supposed to be 60F but don't worry, another storm is coming next week!
Given the economic situation and the amount of fabric I already own, I am trying to finish more than I start this year. There are a few exceptions to my plan and mostly that involves freely starting hexies, sewalongs and doll quilts.
This is one of the projects that I have wanted to start for nearly 6 months and I *finally* found the fabric that spoke to me. Last year I purchased the weekly hexathon blocks from Katja's Quilt Shoppe in Kamloops, Canada. I've tried to pull fabrics from my own stash but couldn't decide on a "theme."
Last week I was at a nonLQS and found the flower fabric - it has lots of purples! This particular store has a great selection of solids so I'll be using the pearl/white for the triangles between 3" hexies and the other solids to make the hexies. The lime polka dots match the original fabric but I have no idea what I'll do with it...I just couldn't leave it behind since it was a perfect match.
I'll make at least one hexie this weekend in anticipation of our monthly hexie linky party next Thursday. Are you getting something ready to share?
PS - don't tell anyone I found another hexie project on line this morning that I want to start like yesterday or the scrap project that I saw at Bonnie's earlier this week. I'm doomed....
I've got this half sewn together and I am liking my border fabrics.
Quality Control Officer Midgie approves too!
Somehow I grossly undercut the number of green squares I need to finish so that will probably be tonight's project after I get home from our Board Meeting.
I'm still working on making the blocks with 4 green squares but I had enough done to lay out half the quilt. This was the layout yesterday moning and I put Midgie in charge of protecting it while I went to work. She looks like she's serious about her duties.
And as I'm sure you guessed, I came home to quilt blocks all over the floor. I had placed a box in the middle of the blocks for Midge to sit in (what can I say? the girl has a box fetish) and that was 1 of only 5 blocks that wasn't moved. I assumed it was Squeaky that had done the rearranging since they had her signature twist but this morning I caught this:
Now I'm not sure who's to blame??!!
It doesn't matter as I have about half the layout in one piece - should have this half completed tonight! I don't think I have ever completed a mystery quilt this fast and it will be great to have a new quilt finished already in January. I didn't photograph them but I bought border fabrics over the weekend. I just hope they aren't too dark as this quilt reads very light to me.
PS - Don't forget the next hexie linky party is Thursday, 1/17/13! Get those projects ready and be ready for prizes!!! I was even able to secure an autographed book on my favorite topic!!!
PPS - this post was made after uploading pictures directly to my Picasa albums and then into the blog for anyone else who is having trouble with blogger this week...
I still cannot upload photos and I am starting to think it's an IE problem but since my work computer runs Windows XP the next version of IE won't work with it.
I'm working on a solution but it might take a while...
Blogger isn't playing nice today - it won't give me the link to add photos and I have some cuties. I debated adding the link party without my photos but wasn't sure if anyone else was having the same problem.
Anyone out there have a post they want to add to a linky party or should I just wait until Blogger plays nice with me again?
I worked late last night so I didn't get much sewing done...it will probably be the same again tonight.
I have another Step 8 block almost done.
And I'm making good progress on my BathroomFloor quilt. I'll probably switch back to my pieced hexies project this weekend. Only 2 weeks until the next hexie linky party and I want to show off the pieced hexies. And since this HeLP will be on January 17th...there will be prizes so stay tuned!
"They" say that what you do on New Year's Day will predict what you do for the rest of the year. So...lets see what my year holds:
I will read many good books.
Housecleaning remains an important part of my day (hardyharhar!) but I will continue to do volunteer work (no news on either front).
I will try new foods and continue to have fun cooking in my own kitchen.
A few random things - I'll get to spend time with my favorite felines and I'll take better care of my violets.
On the sewing front...I will finish projects this year and other than lots of hexies, the rest will be a mystery.
How did I come to these conclusions?
I finished an audiobook and almost finished a book on my Kindle. I am now half way thru yet another audiobook. I was able to finish 71 books last year - a record for me. How do I know this? I use shelfari.com to read book reviews and log the books I read or plan to read. Check out my bookshelf at http://www.shelfari.com/castilesarah
In the afternoon I was picking up around the house when the siren blew for our first rescue call of the year. I was back home in a couple hours but took it as a sign from "above" that I had done enough work for the day. Never did get to the laundry. See, I told you housework was important.
Shortly after the rescue call Mom called to ask me about making ebelskivers. I had seen them made once at Williams-Sonoma but she had received an antique ebelskiver pan for Christmas and needed "help" testing them out. For dinner I made quesadillas with leftover southwest chicken and mushrooms. The night before I made lobster tails over risotto with a big salad. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
I didn't set the alarm yesterday morning (a good thing since I stayed up reading) and the kids didn't seem in a hurry for breakfast so we all stayed in the warm bed just a little longer and we later snuggled on the couch while watching House on DVD.
I also bought myself 2 new violets this week and pulled out supplies to repot the others I have.
I spent the morning working on step 7 of Bonnie's mystery quilt.
I spent the afternoon finishing the borders on the chickadee quilt and then made 2 of the final blocks for the step 8.
I spent the evening making hexies. Mom was sad I didn't start something I offered to make her but who wants to start a new project and set that precedent??
Oh I know it's all a bunch of ballyhoo...but it was fun to concoct what my year will be!
Now I just need to remember to check off everything at the end of the year...
What did you do on New Year's???