Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Feline Friday on Thursday - 4/25/13

Momma's been feverishly getting ready for something bazaar so my brother, sissy and I offered to have Feline Friday today - yup, on a Thursday of all things!

We also want to let you know that Momma will be back next week for Feline Friday on it's normally scheduled Friday. A Momma needs a break now and then!

And here I am taking a break! I'm not supposed to be sitting here because Momma really likes this humongoid plant she got from Grandmomma but she finally gave up trying to stop me. I almost think she thinks it's cute now...

I promise I'm really careful getting on the desk using the window sills and then tucking in under the leaves. And best of all - I've got a 270degree view!

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Almost Wordless Wednesday

The sun rises on the other side of this wall but thru reflections of framed prints on western walls, I was able to catch it in the mirror!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Buying Scraps

1/4 of these fabrics are from a store scrap bin

I know it sounds counter-intuitive to buy scraps when we already make them while working on our quilty projects but buying them adds a lot of variety to the stash I already have. That and it's cheaper than buying FQs or even yardage to get that something-new fix!

Y'all know I like scrappy projects...most recently has been my hexie puzzle but what about Obsession, any of Bonnie's quilt patterns or about half of the things I have been making for the upcoming bazaar? Someone else's scraps add a lot of life to the scraps we already own.

Of the 6 quilt stores that I go to at least twice a year, 3 have a great scrap program, 2 are low key and 1 has no program that I'm aware of.

Two of the stores sell scraps buy the ounce - the variety and amount of scraps changes every time I visit. One of the stores has an overflowing bin to pick thru and you pay by the inch. The other two stores sell gallon zip lock bags full of scraps (and they are stuffed!) for ~$6. Some bags are themed and some are random. While I like being able to pick my scraps, the bags are a much better deal!

A couple weeks ago I bought 2 bags at the store farthest from me. This is what was left after I started cutting in to them and remembered I should take a photo. There are WOF strips, layer cakes and random shapes. I bet there was at least 3 yards of fabric when I started - not bad for $12.

Even better was this little surprise!!!! Woot Woot!!! I've never seen pear "dots."

Sew...tell me...have you succumbed to the scrap bins at your LQS for a fabric fix?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/22/13

Sundogs are incredibly hard to photograph with that flaming ball of gas at the center (!) but I thought I would share with you what I spotted this morning walking in to work. I've only seen maybe 4 sundogs in the last 15 years but this one is still out there 3 hours later. I just learned something new by reading the Wiki page - sundogs are created from HEXAGONAL ice crystals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew about the ice but not it's shape. I also learned that this is technically a halo but I like the term sundog better (and I have seen both true sundogs and halos) and because this is my blog we are gonna stick with sundog. Hah!

Anyway, it's Design Wall Monday and you want to know what I've been making...

My annual Clerk's Conference and associated bazaar is now less than a week away and while I am working to finish up items already started, I also finally got around to starting on name tag holders. I really think these are just the right size with space for the larger paper tags used at our conference plus room at the top for the pins the vendors hand out. There is another pocket on the back for a hotel key or whatnot.

The first (blue) one took about twice as long as the others to finish altho I was hurrying on the last one this morning and my edge stitching wasn't as accurate as I would like. It will pay to slow down a little. I think I have about 20 more of these cut out. Of course, cutting that many kits in different fabrics means that there are lots of FQs to put away.

And then there is this mess on my cutting table. Some piles were fabrics pulled together to make things for this sale that just aren't gonna happen and some piles are dream projects and some are personal projects or class samples that need to be worked on. No matter what, it's a mess and I'll be happy to get it cleaned back up...next week!

This cutting table also holds my laptop and ironing board. Ugh, what a mess!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Feline Friday - 4/19/13


Put that camera away!

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Secret Sis Report

My quilt guild is doing a secret sister project for a good share of this year. Anyone that wanted to participate filled out an index card with some personal info and then we swapped. Of course, I thought of a dozen other things to list after I looked at some of the other cards but oh well because so far my SS has been spot on!!!

This was the adorable bag I received on Tuesday. Since I was part of the team handing out gifts this month I only had time to give it a quick glance at the meeting but knew I liked everything immediately.

Yes Midgie...you can be in this photo...
Look what I got!!!! The glass cat on the left has a spot on the back for a tea light (the glass colors will be gorgeous when lit up!), pomegranate hand soap, a tiny picture frame and a lovely green/flower FQ. The cat on the right was *not* part of the gift but was begging for treats. Someone is spoiled...

In looking at the FQ closer, I realized it had the cutest selvage. Now I wonder if it was a coinkydink or did my SS remember my selvage project and pick this FQ on purpose?

Sheep of a different color!

And since I can't find where I blogged about last month's SS gift...

A lovely purple FQ and a pretty sticky note packet.

I am guessing that next month will be a yellow FQ since those were the 3 fav colors I listed...We shall see...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 4/17/13

I was so proud of myself this morning...I managed to get ready for work early and went outside in the sun to take pictures of the plants busting thru the damp earth.

And then it dawned on me that it's the 17th and that all had to wait because today is HeLP!

Unfortunately for y'all, I am once again sharing the never ending Hexie Puzzle project. Sorry :(  I think after these 7, I might need 1 more star to finish the middle and then I'll just need to figure out how to finish the edges. You just can't imagine how much I want to get this done so I can work on something else with a clean conscious...

OK now, hexie-aholics, show us your projects!!!

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Two more drawstring bags

I'm so bad at blog titles and this isn't even the most exciting photo I've ever taken...

I thought the silverware fabric would make a great lunch bag and the smaller bag was modified to accomodate the fabric scraps I had.

I tend to buy lots of fat quarters for variety and I've noticed in the last few months that the bins aren't quite as full as they were. wootwoot!

It's nice to be using instead of hoarding fabric but my tastes have changed over the years and my "current" fabric favs are disappearing faster than the older stuff. I'm trying to use some of the older fabrics in bigger projects but it's hard not going directly to the new and exciting stuff...

How do you guys make sure you use up the old stuff?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/15/13

Not to continue to tempt certain people into making zippered bags but that's what half of my weekend consisted of.

I made a trip to the city to get "embellishments" at JoAnn's over the weekend. I think I have fabric & trims ready for about 5 more of these box bottom bags and then I'll move on to something else. I'm not really bored with them but I am looking forward to working on something else for a while...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Feline Friday - 4/12/13

Look - another gold birdie!

Yipper, It's still raining and yes, we are still watching birdievision. What else is a tabby to do in the rain?

It would probably be more fun if Momma filled the feeders again but those gold birdies are super hungry and we know it's hard to keep up.

Anyways...we wanted to share something with you that Momma has been watching:

She gets a good laugh out of it everyday and we think you might too!

What have you been watching lately?

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Found Money

We've had quite a bit of rain here. In the 36 hours before I left for work this morning it was nearly 2 inches and it hasn't stopped raining since. In fact, now that it's below freezing we're looking at a world of other issues.


If I continue to "grow" these in the yard...it can rain all it wants!! LOL!!

Really! I found a whole dollar in my yard this morning - spotted it from the studio window and I didn't waste any time running outside for it since I couldn't see the denomination from that distance. In the past few weeks I've also accumulated 2 extra recycling bins, a ratty old tarp, a Victoria Secret ad, a kids pool and several pop/beer cans (and those are like growing money too because I can recycle them).

April showers bring May flowers and we are gonna have bumper crops!

You're right, I am showing found money because I'm desperate and have nothing better to share on the quilting front...sorry :(

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not so wordless Wednesday

As much as I had planned to get up this morning and take photos of the flowers starting to pop up around my gardens, the grand T&L storm overnight brought in thick fog and yucky gray skies.

It was 68F yesterday but only 44F today. It's definitly spring weather. You can smell it too. I'm not referring to the refreshing smell of a Spring rain if you country kids know what I mean!

Day lillies are at least 3x as big as last Wednesday. I cleaned out the leaves last night which just reminds me again it's too late to transplant some of them back to the middle. When the weather clears up again I'll clean the flower bed behind this one - it already has flowers coming up but I can't remember what one of them is :^(

I wish the crocuses lasted longer - they are such a pretty little spot of color.
Someone told me that crocuses must be snowed on 3 times before it's officially Spring - not sure if that is the 3 days it snowed last week or if it needs to be 3 different incidents...

I'm surprised the snowdrops are doing so well - they have been buried in snow several times.
How are your gardens shaping up?

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

What a crock!

After showing my new crock last week...several people said they would be interested in seeing the rest of my crock collection. I hope y'all really meant it because here they are!

Newest crock - purchased in Lewisburg, PA.

This twenty gallon beauty was purchased for a pretty penny at a local auction a couple summers ago. It takes two people to carry it and luckily still has the wire handles altho the handle at the tip of the arrow has lost it's wooden dowel. Yes, those are scraps in the crock but NO it's not full, there is batting at the bottom.

This 6 gallon crock was begged off of Mom. It has been relegated to her basement because it was broken.
You can just barely make out the v-shaped piece I super glued back in place.
 It's certainly sturdy enough to hold wrapping paper. The lid is still at Mom's.

These three are used the most and for obvious reasons! Trash, rulers and choco rule the cutting table in my studio :)
The 2 crocks on the left were also from Mom, not sure where I got the choco filled crock - it's not in great shape.

This crock was actually found in a kitchen cupboard when I moved in to my house. It had costume jewelry, old skeleton keys, broken army men and the like.  This is the same kitchen cupboard that would randomly open itself when I was out of the house or asleep. We blamed it on Melvena, the previous owner. It's obviously a little small for an umbrella stand so I'm on the lookout for a larger one. Mom has several still in her basement...

Melvena's crock is the only one that has a makers mark.
My research shows this pottery was only in existence from maybe 1902 to 1905 or so.

Last, but not least, is this ugly brown crock I picked up somewhere and relegated to the kitchen.
I know you're jealous of the wallpaper on the backsplash! Ugh!

Monday, April 08, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/8/13

It was a busy weekend which didn't afford me as much sewing time as I had wanted. As Erin said, such is the life of a volunteer (fireman). Oh well...

What I did manage to accomplish was making a few zippered bags.

The 4 on the top left are finished and the bottom two are still in the works. The bag on the top right will have a box bottom but I need to find some embellishments for it first.

I'm thinking a trip up to the city craft stores might be fun in the next couple weeks. That and I only have 1 sewing machine needle left and it's not even my "usual" brand. I think I only broke 3 over the weekend and it was mainly from not paying attention while changing feet and needle positions back and forth.

Several people have asked what patterns I use for my zippered bags:

I'm at the point now where I can really make the bags in my sleep but I still need the cutting dimensions from the patterns. I highly recommend these patterns if you don't own them already!

Friday, April 05, 2013

Feline Friday - 4/5/13

Hi! I'm Dixie Doodle and I'm the apple of my Daddy's eye. I'm also Sarah's cousin from Baltimore. I think that makes Pepper, Midgie and Squeaky my cousins-once-removed? I could be wrong but it's not likely.

I'm a Turkish Van and I was rescued from a shelter before anyone knew how special and rare I was. Like most cats of my breed, I have long white hair with a mane and the only colored spots are on my forehead, ears and tail. Aren't I pretty? I think so!!

I get to play outside but I'm also part of the local security system.

Hi! I'm Rasputen, or Raspy for short, and I'm Sarah's other B-More cousin. It's hard to tell from these photos but I'm the bruiser in the family at 24 pounds. I was also from a shelter but now I'm a Momma's Boy. She says I get cranky just like a Siamese cat.

(Sarah here - he's not fat, he's just ginormous! Practically knee high!)

I'm a shy guy who prefers to be by myself and away from the camera but I did snuggle on Sarah's last day! She's nice and gentle!

Look at those Baby Blues!
I kinda get along with my sister but we occasionally "throw paws." Sisters!

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Thursday, April 04, 2013

Drawstring bags

You know you are in trouble when your friend who is addicted to making something gets you addicted to the same thing!!

Frogs and Dragonflies and Salamanders, Oh My!
I have already picked fabric for 3 more bags. I'm even going to use some of my coveted chocolate fabric!
Are we there yet?

Luckily the bags are pretty easy once you get the hang of it and I'm sure it will become a staple in my "inventory" for bazaars. I have just 3 weeks until the next one so I better get cranking....

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Antiquing in Pennsylvania

The drive to Baltimore this past weekend is only about 5.5 hours according to the GPS. Why then, do you ask, did it take 8.5 hours??! Outside of the obvious gas and lunch stops, we stopped at Roller Mills Antique Center in Lewisburg, PA!! I could have spent twice as long there to check out nearly 400 antique "booths" inside this gorgeous old mill. Be sure to check out the history of the four story flour mill.

You are gonna laugh but what do I spy in the entry way but a hexie table! I texted a photo to Denise who promptly told me I "needed" it but the table remains in PA.

Just beyond the table I found this great quilt. You can barely make out the old beams of the mill. A "tad" out of my price range, the quilt also remains in PA.

I like the combo of hexie shapes in this next quilt and the colors are great too. I think I already own these paper shapes so this baby goes on the bucket list :)

Dad thinks he can replicate this little rack for me. I have a pretty extensive collection of hankies with tatted edges but they are in a box for lack of a good display rack.

What did I come home with tho??

I happen to have a thing for crocks and really liked the shape of this one, including the blob of glaze on the side. I also picked up the brass key in the photo. I think this was the first one I've seen with the rectangular top. Someone spent a lot of time polishing the brass (I kinda wish they hadn't) but it's a nice key and was clearly used as the end was bent. LOL!

I could do a post on my key and crock collections if anyone is interested...

Monday, April 01, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/1/13

If I wanted to be silly on this April Fool's Day I would tell you that I have decided to give up hexies. The thing is...I don't think a single soul would believe me so I'll just show you what I accomplished on my road trip to Baltimore this weekend.

Mom was having a ball coordinating the 6 half hexies I needed for each twisted hex. Sadly I am out of papers so I'll have to whip these together so I can pull out papers to reuse. I have a conference at the end of the month so I'll have to get more of this project ready for that trip...and you probably won't see much of it in the meantime...