Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Feline Friday - 5/30/14

It's a jungle out there kiddos!

Momma tried to get me to roar like a tiger cuz I was in the tiger lilies but I was having none of it!

Momma says she is gonna plant the veggies this weekend. I think that means the carpeting will be back in my garden. Woot Woot!

Have a grrrrrrrreat weekend!

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jared takes an Asian wife

Since Bonnie will be in WNY in just 111 Days, 6 hours, 43 minutes and 22seconds, I felt I should finish at least one project for her usual show-n-tell. The project I have been thinking about the most lately was Jared Takes a Wife...except mine is made with Asian fabrics. LOL. When last I worked on this quilt, I was stumped for borders. I know, you're laughing and asking what else is new!! Ya see, I had changed the pattern by taking out the sashing so the sizes were off and I didn't know if I wanted a plain border like Bonnie or a pieced border.

When I pulled it out this weekend I decided the quilt needed to be bigger than what adding a couple of borders could accomplish. I only had enough of the black fabric for 5 more blocks which wasn't going to cut it for my idea so the next round of 22 blocks will have some of the fabrics re-arranged.

As you can see tho, I've already made the 88 corner blocks. I was even able to use some of the same (scrappy) greens so I am hoping that will pull together the inner and outer blocks and people won't realize there was probably 5 years between the start and finish of this quilt. Once I get this round on and see how big it is, I'll decide about the borders. Good way to stall making a decision on borders, huh??!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

                              5/15/14                                                 5/25/14 - Ryan forgot how to apply bike brakes  :(

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quilt Guild Trunk Show

Last Tuesday was our weekly quilt guild meeting and Joan Ford came from Syracuse, NY for a trunk show!

Both the white sample and the black sample on the sales table were gorgeous. I have this pattern and it's probably top on my ST list of patterns to make.

Joan started the Scrap Therapy system back when I lived in Miami. We had a cutting class at my local store and then worked on some of the patterns. I even got to raid a friends huge stash for a cutting party before I moved back north.

Even the sashing is made from squares.

Millie was trying to hide - Gotcha!!!
I've been trimming scraps into 5", 3.5" and 2" squares (and into Bonnie strip sizes) ever since but I have yet to make another ST project...I've been using the squares for all kinds of other things :) This trunk show was just the bump I needed - I've cleaned up my cutting table by cutting almost all the scraps laying around into strips and squares. Now I just need to pick a pattern to start with...

I forget what Joan called these blocks but they look like the granny squares that are all the rage lately.
The large red HST are pieced!
Joan is on the left.
As some of you might be familiar with, Joan cuts all her scraps into 2/3.5/5" squares because the math works. Sew two 2" squares together and what do you get? A 3.5" square! Sew two 3.5" squares together and what do you get? A 5" square!

Sadly, both of my photos of this runner are blurry. All of these HST were made with special paper and 5" squares. If her credit card machine was working I would have gotten some of the papers.
It's a little hard to imagine sewing squares together when I am sew much better at sewing strips and subcutting but her patterns are gorgeous. Joan has taken her patterns and written a book that uses her 7 steps of dealing with scraps, creating a system and then using them.

Closeup of the pieced HST.
She also wrote a second book based on the same theory but it's titled something like scraps plus one. Take the scrap squares and add one other fabric. Some of the designs needed pieces bigger than were in her system so she pieced them together. Brilliant!!

Another scraps plus one quilt.
The One was actually the striped fabric which eventually lead to changing out the border fabric.

Scraps plus white. The 9 patches all finish at 2" to match her 2" blocks!
I also received a great gift from my secret sis but forgot to take a picture - I'll be sure to share it Thursday. I hope my sis enjoyed her gift!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Feline Friday - 5/23/14


I snuck into the basement when you were potting your pretty purple and white fuscia and cleaned up some cobwebs. You're welcome!!

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Thursday, May 22, 2014


So...I considered showing you pictures from our guild meeting this week but I worried you might think I was off my hexie rocker. I'll show you the guild meeting next week...Joan Ford, of Scrap Therapy fame, gave a trunk show. I was inspired enough to cut up some scraps when I got home - I'm behind, as usual.

I stitched the center of this star at my conference back in April - it just took 3 weeks to finally get around to adding the diamonds. This really is not my high priority project but I haven't worked on the HPP for several weeks now. Hopefully after I catch up on 2 hexie SAL projects this weekend I can get back on track.

This is my progress on block #3 from Karen's Value Proposition QAL - 9 more hexies to go. I think it's turning in to my least fav of the three and thru no fault of the design: I probably should have fussy cut the plaid and the outer rust isn't 100% on with the inner rust hexies. I don't dislike it enough to redo it and I think when all 22 blocks are done it won't stick out amongst all my scrappiness...I just should have planned better before cutting into my scraps.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday walk in my garden

As much as I don't care for pink, I adore my bleeding heart. It's HUGE but I'm not sure if it will get any taller this year. Above that 4th row of siding is the windowsill, which is just about chin level for me.
The finger is pointing to my purple phlox which I hope to move soon since it gets buried behind the BH. 
These are Solomon's Seal. I bought a few of them at a local plant sale a few years back and they continue to spread. I should have gotten a closeup of the little white "bell" flowers that hang under the leaves.
In the middle is my elephant ear hosta...one of these years I am hoping it will get as big as advertised.
I love how hosta unfurl as they grow. The bigger plant on the right is a pretty 2 color hosta. The mini on the left is a single shade of green and for quite a while I didn't think it survived the winter. That and a certain B&W cat who likes to walk thru this garden...
This is another mini hosta that I bought solely for it's name, altho the rounded leaves are pretty.
Denise? Are you watching??!!
These photos didn't turn out as well as I had thought at home but I am still hoping y'all can help me identify it. I bought it at a plant sale last year labeled as a Hellebore, which it clearly is not. It did not flower last year but does get about 2 feet tall. It barely died over the winter, retaining it's green leaves until early this spring. Any thoughts on where to start looking for a plant name would be appreciated!!

I'll save the photos of my (kinda new) peony garden for next Wednesday's garden walk. Mine grow really slow but the fact that all 4 are making progress and one even has buds is a great sign in my book :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Genesee Country Museum

So...it only took me 10 days to get these posted but I am finally sharing my photos from Mother's Day at Genesee Country Village & Museum, which is a recreated village of 18th century buildings moved from around NY state to this location. BTW - one of the pictures on their homepage today was a woman piecing a baby block quilt and I am guessing it's EPP!!!

As you may recall, I said that Mother's Day weekend was opening weekend for what we affectionately call Mumford (the name has changed in the last 20+ years and it's located in Mumford, NY). It was also Chocolate Day - I didn't get many pictures of the chocolate but there were samples of the authentic 18th century style choco that the museum sells.

You can see the show was held in a huge barn with lights and a runway :)
The girls here are in chronological order.
One of the first activities we enjoyed was a fashion show. It included an antique or reproduction outfit from each decade between 1790 and 1920. It was fascinating to see how trends come and go and then come back again - especially waistlines, puffy sleeves and hemlines. There seemed to almost always be some aspect of the outfit that originated from men's fashions - hats, sleeves, collars, walking sticks.

Some of my favorite outfits - the hat on the left and the striped dress on the right.

Height order, which is just plain silly for documentation of the outfits.

After the fashion show we walked from building to building. I know which building each photo came from but for the life of me I can't remember most of their names. Forgive me!
Isn't this a fab tea party idea? The chicken salad was served in the tulips - which are edible.
Check out the stenciling on the walls! This house had a quilting bee going on for anyone to try. I was reprimanded for doing the rocking stitch - it was all stick and stab back then. The workers were having tea from this great tea tray. Gunmetal tea, if I recall correctly. I have some from Gettysburg that I still need to try...

One of the choco displays showing flavorings and the Metate & Mano in the center that was used to grind the cocoa beans. We were given hot choco samples at this stop.
Mom and I sort of had a tea party for lunch - I packed choco chip scones, cheese, crackers and jerky. Mom brought bottled iced tea. It was fun.

One more tea photo - a pantry full of tea pots, cups and saucers. I wish I had this space for mine...

Last stop at the museum was the dying exhibit. I forget the word but it was a kind of sap being used to dye the yarn various shades of brown - milk and dark chocolate colors if you will. HaHa!

Once home dad grilled dinner and afterwards my brother's family stopped over. The boys were happy to decorate my hair with flowers from the yard but one particular little monkey didn't think I could catch him on film! Gotcha!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Design Wall Monday - 5/191/14

Do you watch Missouri Star Quilt Company videos on YouTube?

Last Friday she posted a video on making a Houndstooth Quilt and I found it just stunning. 2 color quilts are very striking, in my opinion. When I got home Friday night there was some black and gray yardage folded up on my cutting table - probably waiting to be put away, but it made me think of the video. I was in trouble!

I spent some time Saturday morning cutting strips for the tube portion of the project but I was trying to watch the video on my phone to make sure I was doing it right and the phone just wasn't cooperating. In other words, I did as much as I could until I could get the phone to cooperate late last night. I finally got to watch the video but I don't quite have enough yardage so I am putting this together in small chunks to take advantage of every last scrap of fabric. It's a little annoying but I can handle it!

I don't think the quilt is as stunning close up, as opposed to from a distance,
 but it's a nice beginner style quilt and would be a good gift.

There was also another slight delay in the whole process...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

HeLP for Hexie-aholics

Hello and welcome to another rousing edition of Hexie Linky Party for Hexie-aholics!!! We're all here to check out your hexie projects. It doesn't matter if your project is vintage, a WIP or even still just a dream, we would love to see it.

My most recent finish was block #2 (on the left) for Karen's Value Proposition SAL. I told Karen this week that I had never wanted to do a Grandmother's Flower Garden because it was just too repetitive and plain for me. This project is anything but repetitive and as much as I already have a gazillion projects to work on, I am definitely glad I joined in this one..

I'm typing this post on Friday and she has just posted block #3 where I will be using one of these fabrics to keep the dark teal theme going. Only 4.5 hours left until I can go home and pick out the rest of the fabrics. And given the weather (49F and raining/flooding) it's a good night to stay inside and sew...

I also finally finished my first POTC block. The cream around the outside is part of the sashing. I found a Pinterest pin that suggested an easy way to add part of the sashing as you go along so it's not such a big deal later. As soon as the square papers arrive, I'll actually be adding the red squares to 2 sides of this block.

Ok, peeps, now it's your turn to share a hexie project - and please know that I mean any EPP project, not just actual hexagons. Please remember to link to a specific post and not your blog in general. I can help you link if you like.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Feline Friday - 5/16/17

Yes! I am a princess!

Momma usually sits at this end of the couch under her bright Ott light to watch movies and do her hexies.

Many moons ago she made these Seminole piecing bolster pillows and I have just recently discovered that they make a nice throne when I don't feel like sitting on Momma's lap. I can still touch Momma and ask for treats but I get my own space too. Ahhhh....

PS - don't forget to come back tomorrow to see what hexies Momma and her bloggy friends have been working on!

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

i DO remember how to use my sewing machine!

Just so all y'all know - I thought I would share a few recent projects, proving that I  DO remember how to use my Bernina!

I've made a few more leader/ender basket blocks. There is actually another one almost done and several more cut out ready to be stitched. You're probably thinking that something looks a little different with my basket blocks...that's because I am throwing in a few odd ball baskets just to keep it interesting. I know - I'm easily amused!

In the box is the 60+ finished baskets just to show you the different baskets. It's super easy to switch out a 4 patch for a HST to come up with a really different look.

I've also been participating in Pam Buda's Market Day SAL and just finished up week three's blocks. Good timing since #4 is posted tomorrow. Since I had them out for a photo, I thought I would play with some layout ideas. Top left is my favorite. Maybe I should mention I am making the mini size: each of these blocks is 2" unfinished.

Now, don't forget to come back this Saturday for the next HeLP for Hexie-aholics linky party to remind yourself again just how much I am addicted to hexies!!! :)  Cya then!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

playing in the garden

Last week I hired my first official landscapers!! OK, so they are only 6 and 9 but Tyler is saving money for an iPod Touch and I am all for learning the value of five bucks. That and I hate picking up sticks.

Unfortunately, the weather was kinda nasty so the boys didn't come over.

I did have 2 other helpers but they just aren't so good at stick pickin'.

The pine cones are leftover from our pine cone war. Fun must be had :)
Fast forward to Monday night and now only one landscaper was still interested in earning some cash. I was mighty impressed tho as Tyler did a fantastic job as we picked sticks, removed the rest of the leaves from the flower beds and trimed some plants. Yeah, I am not a good gardener and waaaay behind schedule.

We still had a snoopervisor this week and, surprisingly enough, he was quite social with Tyler. Score one for Zorro!

Hmm..should have retaken this photo after we trimmed the plants...

The yard is looking better and my pear tree looks exceptional this year.
Next step? When the rain stops, I can finally drag out the mower.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday - 5/12/14

I don't know about you but I had another hectic weekend. Saturday was an all day EMT training up in Buffalo (translate 2.5 hours driving and 8 hours of class). Lunch was excellent tho.

Mother's Day was spent at Genesee Country Village & Museum with Mom. It was not only opening weekend but also chocolate weekend! I'll share pictures of the choco and fashion show another day. I packed a lunch and we made a few stops on the way home where Dad grilled dinner. A good weekend but I was whooped given the middle of the night rescue call so I crashed on the couch, cuddling with my girls. You can translate all that to mean I didn't touch my sewing machine...again!

I've finished block #1 for Karen's Value Proposition QAL. I am not sure that my fabrics are exactly as described for the lesson but it was fun to dig through my strip bins to find coordinating fabrics and I like the block. Mom liked it enough to want to confiscate it. LOL!

I've also started on block #2. Interestingly I found a dark teal color similar to what I used in block #1. I have at least one more dark teal so I've committed to finding some more dark teals to be used with whatever scraps I have around and that will give me the continuity that I like for scrappy projects. :) I also changed the middle hexie in this block. It was supposed to be a fussy cut from a "dark medium" to match where I have the teal. Except I found this great (light) batik that matches the green and both greens match the tiny pineapples in the teal fabric. It was perfect so I took the liberty. Go me!

Block #3 will be posted this Friday. I am not holding my breath that I will be ready on time since I have something to do every evening this week, I have yet to start the May Hexie Blog BOM and I have several classes to prep for, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Karen has in store for us.