Feline Friday is hosted every friday and HELP for Hexie-aholics is hosted on the 17th of each month. We hope you'll join us!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/30/15

I was going to pose a hypothetical photo question today but, it seems, tho I took, erased and re-took a photo of my half-snowball blocks, it's not on my camera. Phooey.

I was going to ask which was worse: pressing open and then pinwheeling 128 four-patches or drawing the line across squares, sewing them to bigger squares, pressing them open and then trimming for 128 half-snowball blocks? I vote for the snowballs...

Either way they are done and now I can begin assembling the top for Ryan's quilt.
25 days to finish it - I can do it!!

This is will be my new decoration for this year - the purples and white are torn into strips and tied to the lights to be hung in my quilt lab windows. I have a string between the dining and living rooms but it's in homespuns and not really my style any more - some day that fabric be replaced.

And finally, I joined the Secret Santa Sac Swap this year. My package arrived on Saturday!!!! We have not yet been told the date to open our sacs which are filled with 5 more (wrapped) gifts so I'll be in suspense for some time to come.

I did have an inspector to check out my sac, along with the bells. No worries tho as the sac has now been stashed - hopefully out of sight and out of mind for both the inspector and myself...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Feline Friday - 11/27/15

Hey Zorro! Pssst! You sleeping??!!
I think I smell turkey!! Do you smell turkey?

Hey! Z! Wake up!!
Oh fine, never mind...

Monday, November 23, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/23/15

Sew...I've finished bazaar season and I've finally finished some custom orders, which brings me to....full scale Christmas gift making season!! Some of the giftees read my blog so I have to be pretty careful what I post. I can't even share hexie photos today since I only spent about 30 minutes on them this weekend. Can you imagine??!!

This is the best I can share w/out giving away what I was making yesterday! Only a few more to make.

My 'hood is getting their holiday decorations up while the weather holds. I have two favorites that really mean the Holidays are closing in - I'll try to get a photo of the other house another day.

Taken on an early morning/pre-dawn walk last week.

Kenny lives around the corner from my house but this pine tree is tall enough that I can easily see it from any window in my house. I just love the flicker of white lights as the pine boughs move.

Someone at Walmart was having a good time with the pop display. The tree and background are recessed compared to the candy canes. I just now noticed the price - darn, missed my chance. While trying to get this photo I did find some cute Captain America and Hulk banks for my two fav nephews. They were in with the mens clothes which is a silly place for banks.

And last but not least  - look what greeted me this morning!! We were told to expect up to 12 inches of lake effect - I knew that wouldn't happen no matter how much hype there was. This was the perfect amount to glisten as the sun rose and now it's all  melted away.

It was a brisk 17F wind chill, which I found invigorating, but I was a little leery of the slippery snow on the sidewalks so my pace was off today. I promptly made a phone call to Mrs Clause and asked for yaktrax for Christmas. I wonder if she will delivery early?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Feline Friday = 11/20/15

Hey, Zorro!
Momma just gave me some fresh dried 'nip!

This stuff is fantastic, you gotta try it!
Anyone have any cat treats?

Oh, the shame of being a 'nip-head...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

HeLP for Hexie-aholics - 11/171/15

Welcome to another monthly edition of Hexie Linky Party!!!!

What have you been working on? I do hope you'll share your projects whether past, present or future :)

I'm still in mash-mash-hexie mode while I work on class samples and holiday gifts. I just grab something that fits in a small to-go bag and I'm happy to keep my fingers busy while I'm out and about. I know I'll get back to a more regular schedule after Thanksgiving next week so I don't mind a few diversions.

I do have a mini-trunk show for a fundraiser tea party in early December (they requested only finished projects plus a couple WIPs to show process) so my plan for Black Friday is not to shop but finish the 3 doll quilts that need quilting and binding. Let's hope the quilting idea fairies are generous!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/16/15

Today I have 2 things that don't happen often on my blog - I'm sharing photos of family stuff and a finished quilt (top) that was sewn entirely by machine. LOL.

Both of my nephews play hockey. They play with the Livingston Blues in two different age groups (PeeWee & Squirts). It just so happened that both the boys had games one right after the other yesterday at SUNY-Geneseo (their home rink) so the whole family went to watch them.

This was the first time I have gone to a game when it was 50+ degrees outside *** so when I made the mistake of dressing for the outside weather I was a little chilled. It's ok because cheering for goals (and ringing my antique cow bell!) warms the heart and hands. LOL.

R to L: Mom, Barb (family friend), SIL Kristie, brother Tom, Dad
and down at the pink arrow is older nephew Tyler (Squirt) with his teammate
Ryan (PeeWee) getting his gear on.
Already has his lucky red and blue socks on!
And this is a class sample. Every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving I teach an easy, scrappy class that could be a donation or a gift. Mine was completed in a day, including figuring and making notes for the directions. Not sure what to call it but it was a fun quilt and I can't wait to make more with batiks or whatever. Linda from Art in Search allowed me to use her idea! Thank you Linda!

Can you believe I did rake the yard once? Doesn't look like it...

Somebody had his burlap underwear on yesterday but did allow me 5 minutes for this photo.

Don't forget to pop back in tomorrow and link up your hexie projects to HeLP for Hexie-aholics!!

*** Yes, it's mid-November and expected to be (near) 60F most of the week. Last year at this time was the huge Snowvember storm. What a difference!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Monday, November 09, 2015

Design Wall Monday - 11/9/15

Now hold on - I know what you are thinking... "Sarah, you looooooove color, so what are you thinking with this bland gray quilt??!!"

Well, this is stage one of my Jelly Roll Race. I've got my 36 strips sewn together. Tonight I'll press the top and pick border fabrics. I'm still debating if the borders should be more grays or a color. I'm kinda thinking color. Maybe even the same color as the applique I'll add in the next stage.

My original plan was based on this project that I pinned from The Evil Website.

HOWEVER...yesterday, while I was scrolling for cat silhouettes, I found this one to the right (be sure to check the link thru Pinterest as there are other fab cat silhouettes too). I think one cat could make such a statement. And, as with the borders, still deciding on the original black I had planned or a bright color? I'm thinking color...

Friday, November 06, 2015

Feline Friday - 11/6/15

This is humiliating!

Momma, I don't have time for a family photo!

Are they coming?

Maybe from this way? I think I see them!!

Is my costume on straight?

Ok, Momma, I'm ready to watch you give out candy!!!!!!

I think that's all of them, Momma, lets turn off the light and take a nap now. Puullleeeeeez!!

What costume did you wear for Halloween?

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The Bibliophile Files - 11/3/15

Goodness how can it be November already?
And it's 70F this afternoon with it getting even warmer in the next few days before we slide back into the rainy chill of fall.

I hope you are still reading now that the weather is cooling...maybe you now have even more time to read! Due to a careless injury last week I wasn't able to walk very much or I think I would have gotten at least one more iPhone audiobook finished.

I finally hit the sidewalks again this morning, since Erin said that I needed to take advantage of the Indian Summer while I can, even if my leg hurts. I stopped at our polling place and was #12. Did you vote today?

11th Hour - still waiting on the latest book in the series - apparently it's popular since I've been waiting a while.
The Run
Stay Close
Deeply Odd
Deep South - I so love this series - each book takes place in a different National Park
Girl on the Train - Too much like Gone Girl. Some differences of course, but not enough for me to not think of GG the whole time.

Code Name Verity - This is a youth book but #1 in a short series - I'm looking forward to the other 2 books
Postcard Killers
Spartan Gold - Another new to me series by Patterson. What isn't there to like about Patterson books?

So, tell me!!! What did you read??
What novels, magazines, quilt books or cereal boxes did you read this month?
Oh, I need a book suggestion that starts with a "Y". Thanks!!


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